Sunday, September 28, 2008

Difference Between Piles And Rectal Prolapse

Sakhalin Island

yesterday returned from Sakhalin. Amazing island. Impression as a whole remains very strange - like, the vegetation in the long run is the same as in central Russia, but for some reason can not be represented such views have not far off. This is a strange mixture of Crimea with Solovki with a slight taste of Japan and America, too, though, that's all wrong. Difference it is thinner at the level of air, a combination of colors and irregular terrain.
Generally there are landscapes extraverted and clear - the soul in the plowing, immediately - At a glance, let take. Happen - like, noisy, open, and, behold, are not given in the hands, circling, make wandering around the bush, but to the heart are not allowed, hiding. Sakhalin-of-breed second, that's up to the end and you do not understand, no getting to the core. Here's Sakhalin Island from the last, with the donors. And then it was too different, unlike even the eastern part of the continent, not to mention our own, Western. And the time was not enough to prochuvstovat it. So that the whole genius loci grab failed. Means ... we must return. I'd like to still go there - wonderful and rare place on the planet.
- Time and space flight
unimaginable changes perception of space in terms of "the immensity of our country." Especially on the way back - an infinitely long, 9 hours, the red line on the flickering screen shows our way - that is flown to the mainland, Yakutsk, flies over the Urals. All the time for porthole hitters in the eyes of the sun, we fly almost together with him, and at the bottom - a never-ending kiselnaya white desert of clouds. So long to fly, but here - the same people, newspapers, television - all in Russian, exactly like us - amazing!
- Dimensions
It strikes in the eyes of the distortion of the size - the famous giant mugs as umbrellas, incredible size flowers - even the pansies with nearly two fists, in a word - real northern jungle. Even instead of crows here - huge black crow vociferous (Seeing them for the first time I was really scared). And at the same time - a tiny fruit: drain - as plums, apples and pears - are small, like our wildings. And watermelons - and does not know.
- Personal
say that for the bears - normal personal space of a few tens of hectares - can not stand it if their relatives somewhere closer. Sakhalin can justly be called a real bear island (especially as the bears are indeed very much - each of our branch at least once so necessarily faced with a bear). It is necessary to drive off from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk kilometers at least 30 (this is not what wild recreational areas, and quite mastered habitable space) - the people there is little, a very rare cars. Who goes for mushrooms and berries away - Bears meet in the woods more often than their compatriots. Nekuchno there in general. Especially in comparison with Moscow.
- Neighborhood
In clear weather from the southern part of the island of Hokkaido can be seen. Morbid interest in eastern exoticism locals definitely do not suffer. Many never were not in Moscow but also in Japan, went to almost everyone. Wand is in the drawer for cutlery close to the forks. The Japanese are different, rather, a little cautiously, they actually Sakhalin is almost there. But many Koreans. Almost all of them are tiny and spirit absolutely Russian. The owner of the building where our shoot Office - Korean, advised us to go to a Korean restaurant: "There are actually different cuisines are served, not only Korean, but European, and our, Russian." Its homeland to travel do not like - "one black head, nostalgia ... almost fell into depression, better here." Yet there are whole "American Village", and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - Catholic church.
- Eating Sushi
with Moscow have nothing in common - our I stand with great difficulty, and that's what they do - it's magic. Korean cuisine is very spicy, and this despite the fact that in restaurants for the Russian, they put a fraction of spices, than for themselves. Otherwise, there is generally impossible. These salads and soups for ogneedov guzzle children, ranging from the very tender age! But there are no sheep. Something to them here in the climate or soil is like. Smoked sausage is two to three times more expensive than in Moscow. But the calf is three times cheaper.
- Human Factors
It seemed to me that people were more mobile than we do. Very carefully and gently apply to the island, very little debris, as in the city and in nature.
- Feeling Islands
I do not know, maybe it's pure psychology, but I am all the time is not the feeling that we are on the island. Strange course - and even from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and it is possible for 50 minutes to get to one side to the Japan Sea, and at the same time, but in another direction - to the Sea of Okhotsk, but still a huge island. Maybe it's because of the ocean - is of course another story: I used to think that the sea - the largest living organism (yes, I just so it felt), and now see the ocean - it just feels that he is even more - a huge and immensely powerful. Tiny just feel, bespomschnym, and even unnecessary - except that as a criterion of emptiness. " In general, I do not know exactly why, but that's still a sense of the island was - Though you burst.
Now - Free! (Just forgive apologize for the quality - the photographer I have one:))

This is the home of the century, from the time when Sakhalin was a Japanese

port of Korsakov (Sea of Japan)

Lake on the way to the Okhotsk Sea


machine in the sky (near the ocean)

endless desert road along the ocean


Sunset (not an ounce of Photoshop:))