Monday, June 2, 2008

2010 Carnival Cruise Beer Prices

and again almost autumn

Just here at home is very cold and that's why I have all the cold subject pulls ...:) So, what I mean - the "Winter Days"

long wanted to write, but here's all hands did not reach. Japanese cartoon about project cycle Basho's Haiku "string concatenation. Winter day, on which we went to this winter. The device of this project is very interesting: he made on the basis of Rank (? Or renga) which means "string of verse". I am a complete ignoramus in Japanese poetry, so that what it can tell only a very primitive: it is a special poetic form a cycle of haiku, which is created jointly by a group of poets on certain principles (eg, such as the number of poets, the sequence in which they "take the word" and so on.). a cartoon "Winter Days» - the same story: Each of the 35 film directors got their haiku from Basho cycle, the which he was totally independent from the other participants to remove very short cartoon, no longer than 30 seconds (this standard could clearly cause us to fit not all).
impression of this action is absolutely stunning . Firstly, it is the highest concentration in the semantic unit time. Secondly - it is conceivable variety of life forms, as it is - and in terms of feelings about the poems (truly amazing, from the philosophical parables to polueroticheskih anecdotes by chilling mystical stories) and in terms of techniques - both the computer and clay, and puppets and some very rare abstruse cartoon art - all this I certainly do not remember (there still then shown a film about the history of the establishment with a few interviews with each of the directors, that's where I'm talking about engineering know something). Each cartoon in this project - a tiny miniature and the whole world. Not all of them I liked and were not all understood (as, However themselves haiku), but all together - it's an amazing feeling ... mainly in the draft uchuvstvovali Japanese, but there were several 5 (or 7? devil had already forgotten) European masters. Interestingly, even the naked eye layman (my eye) instantly recognizes European cartoons even among this abundance. They are very stand out, though very different, but somehow do not look like the Japanese. Our countrymen have been represented there by Alexander Petrov, and adored by Yuri Norstein.
Haiku Norstein was the first:

«Crazy lyrics» ...
Autumn whirlwind ...
Oh, how I am now in their rags
On Tychus looks like a beggar!


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