Friday, August 15, 2008

Cuticle Pedicure Infection

kato4ek @ 2008-08-15T22: 55:00

recently passed Staronikolskoy pharmacy, I asked a question: how early look like this famous ferreynovskaya pharmacy, how many pharmacies in the old Moscow, as they lived pharmacists?
rummaged about in books, found, in my opinion, a lot of interesting, decided to write here:

As is usually said in the beginning, "the story apothecary business in Russia have a long and glorious history" - even from the XVI century in the service The great princes of Moscow, a series of pharmacists, which, however, served only the needs of the royal court. The motion of pharmacies in the nation "has begun March 20, 1672, when Alexei Mikhailovich issued a decree to open in Moscow, the second pharmacy, which "should provide medications people of all classes." By the way, He even gave drugstore business is a lot of attention, it became the suit around Moscow apothecary gardens, many of which existed until the early 20 th century. However, virtually the same medication from the second pharmacy is almost entirely supplied by the army, and because ordinary Muscovites continue to be satisfied zeleynymi shops. The situation changed dramatically with the adoption of Peter I on Nov. 22, 1702 historical decree on pharmacies. The order, in different frequent in Moscow - in China Town, White City and earthen city in the busiest streets were to open the 8 private pharmacies. These eight lucky free was granted the land and the right to keep and sell in any number of various medications with the exception of wine and spirits (!)». At the same time, apparently, to attract customers to the new pharmacy, a campaign was started to close zeleynyh shops. Pharmacies obeyed the orders of the embassy, which, among others had to make sure that the pharmacies in any case does not open more than the eight. Run it was a simple affair, because that Muscovites are not hastened to open private pharmacies. The last of the eight pharmacies was discovered only 13 years later. But to organize the proceedings for "cure-all disease, which produced the then pharmacists, pharmacy department had. During one such miracle «Grana Alkermes» had to pay to Daniel Gurchin - founder of Staronikolskoy pharmacy. His agent acknowledged a useless and punished desist from its sale of what Gurchin said that was not going to sell it, and prepared for domestic consumption. Soon Staronikolska pharmacy (which, incidentally, is not always on Nikolskaya settled down, and repeatedly moved) moved into the possession of Tobias Meyer, then again several times changed owners, until finally, in 1832 the owner Pharmacies did not Karl Ivanovich Ferrein's, in which a pharmacy and became famous. During the life of Charles I. gave the whole thing to his second son, Vladimir Karlovich (Born 1834).
What was the daily life of an ordinary employee pharmacy in the late 19 th century? To put it mildly, nebezoblachnoy. In an extremely interesting book in 1883 "Backstage Life Pharmacy "IA Nemirovsky tells of a young man, who was hired to serve assistant pharmacist in a certain country town E. Lovely boy, instead of imagined them lessons in chemistry, get to work incessant kicking and zubotychiny from the host pharmacy paranoid belief that employees are only and think how would slyamzit his goodness. The protagonist of drinking with colleagues in adversity alcohol from pharmacies beakers and injected from morning to night, performing all the tasks host. The owner - two rules: his subordinates should never contradict him and to spy on others in the pharmacy. Echoing this book about the hardships life pharmacy attendants narrates a report read at the meeting of the members of the Russian pharmaceutical company in 1900 - "On the question of the need shorter working day in pharmacies. " In the report we are talking about the horrible working conditions of pharmacists - low wages, short life expectancy (40 years). According to the report of pharmacists working day is 14 hours (!) - From 8 am to 10 pm, while at pharmacies still have night shifts (Which, incidentally, can not get rid of "neither sickness, nor under any other pretext" - excerpt from the rules Ferrein's pharmacy), the day after which the pharmacist not exempt from work. Thus, may be days when the pharmacist has to spend in the workplace 38 (14 +10 +14) hours without a break. And that given the complexity and the high responsibility of his work! What's so surprising sharpness exhibited by some tormented and oppressed by pharmacists in relation to clients, continued the speaker. Many complain that "a pharmacist has stopped in its development, behind the Century" - with bitterness in the report. But where to get a pharmacist time to raise the education and development? - "In moments of leisure with a special force manifests itself, quite naturally and understandably, a passionate desire to unwind get drunk, so to speak ... The thirst for freedom, this may be so strong that some, especially young pharmacists who indulge in it too. " "Excesses involve a behavior that is not relevant to scientific and social status pharmacist "- sadly concludes speaker, exclaiming," Give pharmacists freedom! "
less emotional now offers a statistical study, conducted in 1911:
By this time in Moscow was 78 pharmacies, which in total employed 713 people. The average monthly salary was 181 rubles. for the Masters, 111 rubles. for pharmacists, 68 rubles. for apothecary assistants and 27 rubles. for students. Salary
this, at that time was unenviable. For comparison: the district police officer in Moscow at the beginning of the century received a monthly salary of 175 rubles., And "could not refer themselves to a sufficient class, in 1913 his salary was raised to 325 rubles. per month.
And some more statistics: about a lifetime, whether speaker lost his temper, whether the situation is corrected by 1911 - But according to statistics the average age of the employees of pharmacies was 37 years (this is for master's and pharmacists, for the lower - significantly less), and for informative Pharmacy - 45 years. Average life expectancy of at the pharmacy for employees was about 20 years for assistants and students - 8 and 2, respectively. Interestingly, that among 12% of employees were women, but among the informative pharmacies are almost no (1%).
However, back to Ferrein's. The company has increased significantly, The total annual trade turnover in September 1910 was 5.7 million rubles. In addition Staronikolskoy pharmacy Partnership "Ferrein's" possessed:
- Chemical baktereologicheskoy laboratory (at St. Nicholas, near the pharmacy). Here, take orders for various tests and studies. In addition, when the laboratory was organized practical exercises, and conduct lectures. For example, in 1902 in the framework of these activities took place on 5 biological excursions in Moscow suburbs for the study medicinal herbs and plants. One of the trips took place in the current Butovo, where there have been Ferrein's house and apothecary garden.
- numerous laboratories to make the study of pharmaceuticals, soaps, perfumes and cosmetics and so on. All this is housed in several three-storey buildings in Krivokolenny lane. There was also a warehouse office for drying and processing herbs and glass, and in the same place wholesale pharmacy products
- four retail stores (on Nikolskaya street, Tverskaya Street in the house Smirnov, the Arbat, near the Big Afanasievsky street h.10 at Serpukhov Square, corner of Grand Polianka Ordynka)
- Plantation of medicinal herbs in the Podolsk district, Moscow province
- Factory of Chemical Products in Mologa Yaroslavl Province
itself Staronikolskaya pharmacy deserves special mention. The rooms were elegantly decorated in a style staronemetskom. In the first floor on the right was a room for hand-selling ready-made pharmaceuticals (now there is a boutique, photo), on the second floor - to the left was carried out taking orders from the public prescription, and in the other direction - dispensing, made according to recipes. Next on the upper floors of the place making drugs. Manufactured drugs were subjected to triple control. Manufacture of drugs takes 80 assistants, and control - 8 pharmacists, supervisors. Incidentally, the working day lasted 14 hours, but work was in shifts - for each employee for 7 hours.
volumes of pharmacy is certainly impressive: in 1910, was manufactured 717,901 prescriptions maximum number of prescriptions made during the day in 2910 (!). At the same time the company has demonstrated steady growth. But not for long with the strengthening of society anti-German sentiment, things got worse, and after 1917, ceased operations altogether.
Mark Ferein there are now (or rather, came after adjustment), belongs to the notorious ZAO Bryntsalov-A "(but no relation to the family Ferrein's it as far as I understand it, has not, therefore, is spelled with one" r ").
(Very sad irony, of course, is how one "p" Department known for excellent quality products from Ferrein's fabled "bryntsalovki)
now in the building of St. Nicholas Pharmacy on the first floor is boutique. A second restaurant.
But pictures:
Staronikolskaya pharmacy (as I understand it, the first floor)

Staronikolskaya pharmacy (apparently, the second floor)

Shops Ferrein's

Buildings in Krivokolenny lane

But Staronikolskaya pharmacy now:

restaurant on the second floor

ceiling and chandelier

list of lit-ry:
- Secret Life Pharmacy: (From the notes of pharmacist) (1883)
- the question of the need to reduce working day in pharmacies: Dokl., cheat. in total. Works. tsp. Ros. pharmacist. Islands reciprocity. Welfare on January 28. 1900 secretary. O-va BN Saltykov (1900)
- Issuance of reviews on new and emerging medical facilities: Refereed bus. at the Congress of Germ. o in the Naturalists and messages. Ow. Karl. Ferrein's in September. Moscow meeting. Pharmacy. Islands: Trans. with the manuscript author. (1900)
- About botanical excursions around Moscow: (Dokl., cheat. Mage. Pharm. JS Tkeshelashvili in Godich. Mosk meeting. Pharmacist. Islands, comp. 15 November. 1902)
- Pharmacists Russia: Sex, age, marital status, Scient. qualification., recipes. turnover, salaries, maintenance employees and others. : Stat. data questionnaire produced. Commission. among aptekosoderzhateley and employees of pharmacists Russia (1911)
- Experience a historical sketch the emergence and development of the drugstore business in Russia, and in particular the old St. Nicholas pharmacy is now owned by the partnership "by VK Ferrein's" and founded in 1701 in the reign of Emperor Peter the Great by Daniel Gurchin. 1701-1911
And in general, and got some a lot of pharmacies have, here , for example.


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