Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Harold And Kumar 2 Soundtrack Bottomless Party

leisure stress and other worries

;-) Well, that is what you get for not writing regularly. Then one evening, you sit at the computer (when you finally have some time and has fun) and begins to wonder what to write for. There remains a simply nothing else to write about than to a shotgun approach. For example, over .... Nova Rock!
Two flutes, for I have to report good and bad.

What I liked was ever alone the atmosphere that prevailed on the ground. The masses of young people who pitched their tents full of confidence that (better than last Year) placement of the stage, their sound systems should be mentioned here even laudable. The scheduled dates on the flyers were not figments of the imagination, all the band's been on time. In particular, that are active Guano Apes again, I was a folk festival. Together with the German an Englishman, I've enjoyed Limp Biscuit, praised the dead pants with daughter Uschi and otherwise spent a pleasant weekend.

What I do not liked were the long, long trips they alone had been put back to the entrance. Then the first time over half the camp before you even close to a stage is. And then came. . . Rain. But not the one we know so generally, no, this was on time on Friday to Metallica's website. And he came from everywhere exterminated, together with the grounds and fell like a torrential down on us. Fortunately for us we were standing in a tent, otherwise we would have been like any other waschelnass. The ground was all day from all the NovaRock been tamped down, the rain had no chance to flow. The whole complex was within minutes a single arena mud, extremely dangerous for humans and knees. At least for my wife. At home were her left nach, welches ihr einen Bändereinriß verpasste. Somit war für sie das Festival gelaufen.

So, dass wars für´s erste, mehr beim nächsten Mal *ggg*

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Operation Condor Motorcycle

O, laugh, laughers!

if maybe someone else does not know in Moscow has already begun and rapidly gaining momentum remarkable action called Chekhov Theatre Festival. At this time there is a lot of French, but most importantly - a lot of absolutely no exaggeration wonderful circuses in the highest sense of the word. Truly it certainly has not so much a circus, namely, the theater - an inspired, fascinating, magical, and with all this c mass of very high-tech tricks.

In a word, no matter how call it, but it is important - that's definitely worth descend.

I certainly can not not go to the "fog" adored me since the last festival of the circus "Eluaz. They say that, like, "Fog" smallness weaker "Rain", which brought us into raptures. A general statement in the program, as I understand it, is very different: somewhere far more drama and even tragedy, and not just the fact eluazovskogo tender and at the same time of unrestrained celebration. But in any case, I think that to think and even for something so go, without a doubt worth it.

Well, the curtain

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

2 Weeks Old Baby With Flem

And it grows ...

... tja, so ist das, wenn man sich neu in eine Beziehung stürzt!
Da hat man nicht nur eine neue wundervolle Frau, da bekommt man ihre Familie gleich mit. Nicht nur ihre leiblichen Sprösslinge (die mich sofort adoptiert hatten, von wegen "Auto, Job und handwerklich brauchbar - passt!"), sondern auch ihre Ziehtöchter, die sich im Laufe der Zeit angesammelt haben. Ich bin dankbar, dass ich nicht alle auf einmal, sondern all got to know for themselves (that would be just too much).
But it is fascinating to experience these diverse personalities when they are in their element. I've never experienced such intense concerts (Note: I am ... I mean, I was passive concert lovers who feast on the mood of the masses, now I'm about to moshpit * hell yeah *).
I'm really excited about what the future will bring with it all yet. There are concerts, festivals and many events to attend (or haunted? Matter of opinion höhö) want to be and I'm sure there is always a nice family outing be!

wife, your family is unique and wonderful love u all!

And again Thank you, Ginny, that I was with!