Monday, December 7, 2009

Fable 2 How Much Is The Rookridge Inn

Millionaire I could not have to go to the superintendent.

strongly advise all residents to read the glorious hero of the city of Moscow and the wound on conditions this very instructive story.
All, described below, is absolutely true and happened to my grandmother straight here today.
to start a little background: a few days ago our all-beloved mayor approved a resolution "On approval of the cost of the duty of entrance» . Under this provision, the monthly the amount of content to the duty officer entrance is 18.873 thousand per month for each staircase.
Friends, do not you think that this is the case here does not Hilo 18 pieces per seat in the stairwell?
But is not the case, the idea is surely good. By the way, for the naive Muscovites who still believe that paying konserzhku be out of pocket to report that in general, the funding was in the past, only the sum was in the area of 8 thousand many of you know that? That's right.
But then the amount increased more than two times. And it could not give results.
And now, indeed, history. My grandmother works in the entrance konserzhkoy Aunt Lida. She bdit the order, and washes floors, and do not let go of hooligans, and plant flowers, settles organizational issues (such as setting combination lock) and so on. No subsidy is not received, simply dumped all the tenants in the amount of quite feasible for them and they lived peacefully and happily. Loved and respected Aunt Lida.
And here it is in tears sounding the alarm, and convene collection of tenants. At this meeting, people presented a kind of Aunt Mary, who is now ... (fanfary!) a new duty on the porch.
This lovely woman without a shadow embarrassment makes all the paper, according to which all tenants have signed up in unison under the requirement to appoint Aunt Masha on duty. My grandmother saw There is a signatory. Then she remembers that Aunt Masha, she saw somewhere. And just the other day she came to him to collect signatures. Only question was the organization of HOA, instead of electing aunt Masha. But it's the little things that nature with such a broad scale, as Aunt Mary, do not confuse.
But the main thing that ruined my aunt Masha - this is a positive experience in election campaigns with a turnout of 110%. Part of the tenants were unable to gather signatures on the HOA (after the first sheet outlining the subject matter was simply replaced by) - They probably were not home. And then Aunt Mary ... (well, well, everyone already guessed!) Just signed for them herself. But the poor thing does not take into account that data on the owner of income to the housing department, from which she received lists of tenants, with some delay. And so it happened that Uncle Peter, who has been a month since he died, also made for the election of Aunt Masha two days ago. Exactly how and Aunt Lena, who has 15 years of living in the U.S. and does not appear in Moscow and rents an apartment to her uncle Basil. And so on. And yet ruined Aunt Masha lust for power and vainglory (or vigilance Aunt Lida). Because presenting lists of tenants and get approval from the housing department, she went to boast in front of Aunt Lida their new status. And he threatened her with death emergency and immediate dismissal. This led to the above-mentioned meeting of residents. In general, Tomorrow initiative group will go to the most fair in the world of the police and I hope this story will get a reasonable logical conclusion.
me in this situation haunt two questions:
1) To what extent should get audacity to forge a signature, and then to the blue eye to come to the meeting and look these people's eyes? I have a lot I can understand and explain, but here I have somehow crazy.
2) specifically taken Aunt Mary, apparently, was either too arrogant or too intelligent woman. But how many more of these aunts Mash (friends and happy employees ZHEK) currently sit quietly at home, being decorated on duty at the entrance, and quietly get his 18 thousand rubles? And we know and know and how full of fuckers resets on duty.
and 18 thousand - is one approach. And for desyatochek this for almost two hundred per month. A year two million.
No, gentlemen, is definitely time for a superintendent!
ZY Matured a new slogan: Do not pass by the arbitrariness - find out who she is, your true duty on the porch!


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