Friday, June 11, 2010

What Does The X Stand For On Walmart Receipts

slowly so I should look my views nen man ...

Yes honestly.

I wait to bins currently suffering all the time.
I come on before and would never again be what. August ... which is the month when I had my last boyfriend, or crass?

So for my circumstances, for knowing me. Evil.

In the future I probably hold out for something. We have to put forth an amendment.

with "my" two guys, after all vorran not.
boozes The one who smokes, drinks, and prefer to meet with pals when he sits down behind it and really cares ne Finding a home to ...
Even if it discreetly indicates that this is all that is what ... well, not desirable?
So clearly, we can meet up with friends .. but I realize just no will. Pity .. but so slowly capsule as I quite thoroughly. After all, we listen to us little more clear when the other is never home. ^ _ ^

And the other cookie is just as incompetent in his truck to get to grips. Or to put it simply totally wrong.

momentarily, I will be honest with his head .. I'm waiting on people that are permanently not fix it easily. Or even years to do. ... And I just want to wait for yet more. And I have no desire to make sure that they stop with their crap.
One needs a good dose of logic and the understanding that he is not God, just the other ... no .. actually the same. o_O

Yay .... I .. again need a life .. I should do more with my friends. Just so I get started now.
Until then ... -.-

Friday, June 4, 2010


# 5 Iron Man #

I was in my Jungend been almost everywhere, starting in New York, Canada, Metropolois, Gothm City, also short time in Japan, wherever my hero happened to be staying to fight against crime, or save the world from disaster.

The same feeling with which I devoured my comics, I was once again in "Iron Man 2", intense even than the first part (which was probably due not only to the new vision aid), it was for me a pleasure, a childhood dream to experience in real - and it was just .... * Hach *

In short, the story is comprehensible to me, except for backslash's actions (I mean, yes, that if you already have the technology, they could also effectively inserting as a whip ...?) . But to each his own, he will have been thinking what.

The father / son conflict was also good effect, genes were told and there in the comics even Tony's Grandpa plays along short, who is supposedly faded early, remains in the future enough material to work with.

I'm satisfied in any case and it'll soon be safe again I see, Call / are also welcome ;-)

And let's us be honest: Who does not even Tony's "suitcases"? (So would, of course, be a millionaire too nice * g *)

the way, who among you has the hammer still recognized?

Drivcer Usb For Toshiba 440cdt

I hate all this ...

and how. -.-

I got a pacemaker -. SO I am better
me it was not bad or so it was only because the same in congenital heart block third degree will be made so.
Because the heart was too big, etc. pp.
I went well, honestly, I was doing really well. And since I Ding had .. the worse it gets.
My body is now the whole system is no longer used, which means I hackle at the slightest exertion, such as a dog and I feel dizzy every now sick again. should
My dear doctor announces his transfer request, but notes that my blood pressure is MUCH too high and prescribed me a drug to reduce the blood pressure and shall command to stop the dizziness.
What happened? "Three times you can guess.


I also have the feeling that my body and I do not belong together, I falter, I'm totally insane headaches and weak legs. Also, I'm sensitive like hell. Ah, and high blood pressure, I have yet. -.- Do not forget I'm really anxious, jittery, nervous. (
Since my doctor is the Fenstertag has taken time off - so I went to another doctor says the
that this perfectly normal the first week may be taking the medication and my body must. .. working together first
Yay And to my inquiries, they said I could expect with 1-2 years - as long as I take the medicine must.
it may also be that I am already in nem quarters of a year get rid of.

So how is the status?

I HATE MY LIFE! Me it was good .. of good and wonderful it changed in annoying / strange / panic / beware, then losing control of vertigo (Honestly, if I had wanted I would simply become a drunkard. ;___;) and now I have a whole range of new complaints. And what I now must take medication every day for a while. -.-
has Hopefully, my body gets used in ner weeks turn.

conclusion? As one can systematically destroy a life? It simply changes a little ALTHOUGH it is well.

Oh I puke to find it all very. Above all, because I always break out in Heulerei again if I'm at the end of technical forces.

Once I'm done with the world, I weep. SUPER. Ironically I, which is so so on blubbering. WAHHHHH; __;

I hate hate hate
"Because they have to fight through it." .... ;___; I KNOW THE POWER OF NON BETTER!
Ah .. best I'd just dig. Or sleep. Can someone just put non-times in an artificial coma. -.-
Njo .. I'm not good. No piece. And the more I do that however I feel bad .. So the more I want to improve my situation, the more it's lousy to me. -.- Well, I am writing to happiness thanks to the doctor again a week sick.
And also I'm a totally nice understanding boss of me after three weeks is first in the register. This is really fond of him and I am eternally grateful to him for that. SITTING. Little stress. SITTING!! And work mainly with the left arm mainly. This is schonmal very good for my health. And the fact is Umfallrisiko decimated huge.

egg ... I'm back and fix all ... :... (

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sunfish Sailboat For Sale Ontario

Awe ...

I did not pass now absolutely good

I have a bunch of problems and the water is up to the neck

I also have no idea as I was coming back out to

For example, I returned to my old impossible job, I just derpack my boss no more.
However, I do not make it with anyone there to talk to about it really ... or to find a solution.

Besides I have a pacemaker now, but my body does that's not really clear, and thus the high blood pressure leads to constant attacks of vertigo. -.- So I must now take a drug, I hope not to end my life or something. o_O

.. I hate all the grad. -.-

Pink Cervical Mucus Before Period

IPhone Test: What brain do you use? How incredibly annoying

my test result:

If your left hemisphere dominant, then you process information in a linear and logical way.
From the detail is for general. I suppose you really like to write
lists. You ask love to plans and to plan your time.
It makes you happy, check off completed items. It is easy for you to learn things in a sequence.
It happened to you little that you lose the thread of a conversation.
you follow instructions and dedicate your attention especially to details.
also symbols represent no problem for you dar.
This is related to mathematical and linguistic reasons.
you easily find words to express yourself. (Yes, but these are often not understood. ^ _ ^)
Your spelling is impeccable and you feel good when it lost grounds analyze and goes.
you fit you very well to changes in your environment and rules.
You have no problem to follow rules.
Actually, you probably even invent rules you can follow if there are no rules!
(The last sentence is very true to my surprise, something of which it is already embarrassing. *__*)

Spo0ky ' ; s Test Result:
(and why I found it would sometimes just take the test and was again confirmed it as very different but we complement each other.)

Is your right brain hemisphere dominant, dan you process information from the overall presentation to the individual.
details for you is not so important. You have the perfect overview.
plans and rules are not your thing.
you want to even determine your time and you make too much fun at the same time.
You learn fastest with visual aids: diagrams, pictures, videos.
You are good to talk it over your own feelings and can also well interpret the emotions of others.
Sometimes you know that something is wrong know, but why not. You just know it. So you're
well is to read between the lines and realize when someone is lying to you or dizzy.
You are impulsive and expressive, and very probably a little dreamy.
You are very well suited for any kind of social activities.
for artistic, music or creativity, you have a special talent.

So then, since we both only dominant but also represented one-half parts of each other, that's great compliments to you? ^ _ ^