Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Denis Milani Mega Vedio

Returning from Berlin ....

wahhhh .. there would be soooo much to write.
So many impressions ...
so many beautiful, wonderful
so much, so much
Dork too.

But I do not even know where to start.
So the drive was there ne first suggestion, as well as the ride there any longer. Both are very stupid somehow gone. Terribly difficult with the dogs. -.-
Then there some which I really find Berlin to puke.
would be the first as the one the feeling, the Berlin just drive their bikes for fun walk Sun
not drive in the proper sense, no, rather they go for a walk with them. They take them into the car and run it. However, they rarely use it seems to me.
Very suspicious.
The stations have in my opinion a totally stupid system. As each track is reserved for up to two lanes. Nothing more. For other S cars one uses the same NEN other floor.
S Railroad and subway trains are also great. Underground trains run quite a lot about on the surface. I mean, perhaps the Berlin never allowed to learn English or do not know what that means subway actually - I do not know it. And then .. this constraint in dogs muzzled general this whole dog mess. Berlin is probably the city hundeunfreundlichste I met. Was stupid anyway.
And all graffiti people smear their names everywhere, such as dogs piss to the next Strasseneck. Without rhyme or reason. Without a message or figure - some because of what they do makes thoughtfully. o_O I shall never have it smart. But well, is their thing.

That's it for now from the poor of this city. I'm glad about it I had Spo0kylein on my side of me from the "bad parts" of Berlin badly protected.
least I had never before so well again to return to Berlin. Since I am really glad that he took care of us. Without him I would probably rotated through there.

Vivi has however not get a feel for the dogs and piloted us again and again at the corners were for selbige a mere suggestion. At some point I get time to crawl and to walk through the city so that they understand what I mean. xD you can empathize very bad but basically it is ne dear mouse.
were already quite a lot of nice people here that I got to know at this time. =)

The best of Berlin was probably the lake at the dog exercise area. Sand, no dirt or trash and hot water. What more could you want? And of course dogs without a leash.
That was really great. =)
And do not forget the gardens of the world. That was really great and one day I have to that is absolutely down again.
best with the Spo0ky tear yourself away from the impressions at all anymore. xD Very cute really, you would have to see.
great, too: to find food anywhere else you get here. ^ _ ^ And
are then cooked for more from Dave ... hach, mad genius. Was very tasty and terrific toll.

were general, we somehow always on the move.
And somehow we are - I think - has grown enormously together. For me it is actually very difficult to imagine in the future without Dave live.
Most of what we have done has been incredibly fun. Together, eat together and visit friends, go for walks together ... etc. pp.
Was very grandiose great. =)
And the best: We have done it the Dave next month, already down here can take. At least he has home and work. =) This is nuts
great. Furthermore I am very pleased.
so I have too long not endure without him. ^ _ ^

Hach, now I want so much to write but somehow ... I'm stuck on: the time with my two favorite favorite Berlin Spo0ky and Vivi was just terrific toll.

Oh and btw love Sway and Kimmi. all very well - except Sven, Kimmi is highly suspect. ^ _ ^

Maybe soon I find more on this topic at Berlin.
Maybe what I wanted to write originally.
Anyway - it was a lot of fun. =) See you soon.


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