Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Heineken Mini Can Cooler

kato4ek @ 2008-12-17T13: 55:00

Here Shashi treacherously abandoned me fleshmobnuyu relay baton. Now here comes as an honest man, ran the distance ... and Kuzia to go? :)
Terms of race: write five things that can not and do not want to do.
and five other followers of this insane marathon among my friends.
My Un-skills:
1. Engages in meticulous housekeeping chores that require perseverance (to sew tiny doll skirts tiny needles, weed strawberries, etc..)
2. Learn skiing
3. Maintain sterile procedure: always perfectly clean / things are always in their places (One word, a decent man spit nowhere)
4. Learn how to walk on high heels (and feel comfortable and baldezhno)
5. Dense breakfast on morning
6 * Always be cheerful, positive mood (sometimes it seems that you want to know how such, but rather did not)
Well, yet (it's a bonus:)) I straight classics Deniskin stories do not want to learn to love herring, boiled carrots, chicken broth, liver, mokrovny juice and cucumber juice, cream of and prelovuyu porridge, Bizet, soy sauce, milk soup, seaweed soup, oysters and lampreys, the writings of Kant and Hegel, Schnittke's music

Prize piano mob went to the following lucky:
(not sure that all of the above zhzheshku read, but if you did, I would, however, interesting:))
[info] multi_mouse , [info] geige_zhenya , [info] a_dora , [info] tofslaa , [info] williamkent
Chur, no I did not swear and do not boil the pot!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Rabbit Hutch Templates

In memoriz, unequivocally!

Nothing is so invigorating to sleep, as Notification of Red Cube.
Subject: competition cows
magically, does not it?

Do not think for advertising, if anything:)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Difference Between Piles And Rectal Prolapse

Sakhalin Island

yesterday returned from Sakhalin. Amazing island. Impression as a whole remains very strange - like, the vegetation in the long run is the same as in central Russia, but for some reason can not be represented such views have not far off. This is a strange mixture of Crimea with Solovki with a slight taste of Japan and America, too, though, that's all wrong. Difference it is thinner at the level of air, a combination of colors and irregular terrain.
Generally there are landscapes extraverted and clear - the soul in the plowing, immediately - At a glance, let take. Happen - like, noisy, open, and, behold, are not given in the hands, circling, make wandering around the bush, but to the heart are not allowed, hiding. Sakhalin-of-breed second, that's up to the end and you do not understand, no getting to the core. Here's Sakhalin Island from the last, with the donors. And then it was too different, unlike even the eastern part of the continent, not to mention our own, Western. And the time was not enough to prochuvstovat it. So that the whole genius loci grab failed. Means ... we must return. I'd like to still go there - wonderful and rare place on the planet.
- Time and space flight
unimaginable changes perception of space in terms of "the immensity of our country." Especially on the way back - an infinitely long, 9 hours, the red line on the flickering screen shows our way - that is flown to the mainland, Yakutsk, flies over the Urals. All the time for porthole hitters in the eyes of the sun, we fly almost together with him, and at the bottom - a never-ending kiselnaya white desert of clouds. So long to fly, but here - the same people, newspapers, television - all in Russian, exactly like us - amazing!
- Dimensions
It strikes in the eyes of the distortion of the size - the famous giant mugs as umbrellas, incredible size flowers - even the pansies with nearly two fists, in a word - real northern jungle. Even instead of crows here - huge black crow vociferous (Seeing them for the first time I was really scared). And at the same time - a tiny fruit: drain - as plums, apples and pears - are small, like our wildings. And watermelons - and does not know.
- Personal
say that for the bears - normal personal space of a few tens of hectares - can not stand it if their relatives somewhere closer. Sakhalin can justly be called a real bear island (especially as the bears are indeed very much - each of our branch at least once so necessarily faced with a bear). It is necessary to drive off from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk kilometers at least 30 (this is not what wild recreational areas, and quite mastered habitable space) - the people there is little, a very rare cars. Who goes for mushrooms and berries away - Bears meet in the woods more often than their compatriots. Nekuchno there in general. Especially in comparison with Moscow.
- Neighborhood
In clear weather from the southern part of the island of Hokkaido can be seen. Morbid interest in eastern exoticism locals definitely do not suffer. Many never were not in Moscow but also in Japan, went to almost everyone. Wand is in the drawer for cutlery close to the forks. The Japanese are different, rather, a little cautiously, they actually Sakhalin is almost there. But many Koreans. Almost all of them are tiny and spirit absolutely Russian. The owner of the building where our shoot Office - Korean, advised us to go to a Korean restaurant: "There are actually different cuisines are served, not only Korean, but European, and our, Russian." Its homeland to travel do not like - "one black head, nostalgia ... almost fell into depression, better here." Yet there are whole "American Village", and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - Catholic church.
- Eating Sushi
with Moscow have nothing in common - our I stand with great difficulty, and that's what they do - it's magic. Korean cuisine is very spicy, and this despite the fact that in restaurants for the Russian, they put a fraction of spices, than for themselves. Otherwise, there is generally impossible. These salads and soups for ogneedov guzzle children, ranging from the very tender age! But there are no sheep. Something to them here in the climate or soil is like. Smoked sausage is two to three times more expensive than in Moscow. But the calf is three times cheaper.
- Human Factors
It seemed to me that people were more mobile than we do. Very carefully and gently apply to the island, very little debris, as in the city and in nature.
- Feeling Islands
I do not know, maybe it's pure psychology, but I am all the time is not the feeling that we are on the island. Strange course - and even from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and it is possible for 50 minutes to get to one side to the Japan Sea, and at the same time, but in another direction - to the Sea of Okhotsk, but still a huge island. Maybe it's because of the ocean - is of course another story: I used to think that the sea - the largest living organism (yes, I just so it felt), and now see the ocean - it just feels that he is even more - a huge and immensely powerful. Tiny just feel, bespomschnym, and even unnecessary - except that as a criterion of emptiness. " In general, I do not know exactly why, but that's still a sense of the island was - Though you burst.
Now - Free! (Just forgive apologize for the quality - the photographer I have one:))

This is the home of the century, from the time when Sakhalin was a Japanese

port of Korsakov (Sea of Japan)

Lake on the way to the Okhotsk Sea


machine in the sky (near the ocean)

endless desert road along the ocean


Sunset (not an ounce of Photoshop:))

Friday, August 15, 2008

Cuticle Pedicure Infection

kato4ek @ 2008-08-15T22: 55:00

recently passed Staronikolskoy pharmacy, I asked a question: how early look like this famous ferreynovskaya pharmacy, how many pharmacies in the old Moscow, as they lived pharmacists?
rummaged about in books, found, in my opinion, a lot of interesting, decided to write here:

As is usually said in the beginning, "the story apothecary business in Russia have a long and glorious history" - even from the XVI century in the service The great princes of Moscow, a series of pharmacists, which, however, served only the needs of the royal court. The motion of pharmacies in the nation "has begun March 20, 1672, when Alexei Mikhailovich issued a decree to open in Moscow, the second pharmacy, which "should provide medications people of all classes." By the way, He even gave drugstore business is a lot of attention, it became the suit around Moscow apothecary gardens, many of which existed until the early 20 th century. However, virtually the same medication from the second pharmacy is almost entirely supplied by the army, and because ordinary Muscovites continue to be satisfied zeleynymi shops. The situation changed dramatically with the adoption of Peter I on Nov. 22, 1702 historical decree on pharmacies. The order, in different frequent in Moscow - in China Town, White City and earthen city in the busiest streets were to open the 8 private pharmacies. These eight lucky free was granted the land and the right to keep and sell in any number of various medications with the exception of wine and spirits (!)». At the same time, apparently, to attract customers to the new pharmacy, a campaign was started to close zeleynyh shops. Pharmacies obeyed the orders of the embassy, which, among others had to make sure that the pharmacies in any case does not open more than the eight. Run it was a simple affair, because that Muscovites are not hastened to open private pharmacies. The last of the eight pharmacies was discovered only 13 years later. But to organize the proceedings for "cure-all disease, which produced the then pharmacists, pharmacy department had. During one such miracle «Grana Alkermes» had to pay to Daniel Gurchin - founder of Staronikolskoy pharmacy. His agent acknowledged a useless and punished desist from its sale of what Gurchin said that was not going to sell it, and prepared for domestic consumption. Soon Staronikolska pharmacy (which, incidentally, is not always on Nikolskaya settled down, and repeatedly moved) moved into the possession of Tobias Meyer, then again several times changed owners, until finally, in 1832 the owner Pharmacies did not Karl Ivanovich Ferrein's, in which a pharmacy and became famous. During the life of Charles I. gave the whole thing to his second son, Vladimir Karlovich (Born 1834).
What was the daily life of an ordinary employee pharmacy in the late 19 th century? To put it mildly, nebezoblachnoy. In an extremely interesting book in 1883 "Backstage Life Pharmacy "IA Nemirovsky tells of a young man, who was hired to serve assistant pharmacist in a certain country town E. Lovely boy, instead of imagined them lessons in chemistry, get to work incessant kicking and zubotychiny from the host pharmacy paranoid belief that employees are only and think how would slyamzit his goodness. The protagonist of drinking with colleagues in adversity alcohol from pharmacies beakers and injected from morning to night, performing all the tasks host. The owner - two rules: his subordinates should never contradict him and to spy on others in the pharmacy. Echoing this book about the hardships life pharmacy attendants narrates a report read at the meeting of the members of the Russian pharmaceutical company in 1900 - "On the question of the need shorter working day in pharmacies. " In the report we are talking about the horrible working conditions of pharmacists - low wages, short life expectancy (40 years). According to the report of pharmacists working day is 14 hours (!) - From 8 am to 10 pm, while at pharmacies still have night shifts (Which, incidentally, can not get rid of "neither sickness, nor under any other pretext" - excerpt from the rules Ferrein's pharmacy), the day after which the pharmacist not exempt from work. Thus, may be days when the pharmacist has to spend in the workplace 38 (14 +10 +14) hours without a break. And that given the complexity and the high responsibility of his work! What's so surprising sharpness exhibited by some tormented and oppressed by pharmacists in relation to clients, continued the speaker. Many complain that "a pharmacist has stopped in its development, behind the Century" - with bitterness in the report. But where to get a pharmacist time to raise the education and development? - "In moments of leisure with a special force manifests itself, quite naturally and understandably, a passionate desire to unwind get drunk, so to speak ... The thirst for freedom, this may be so strong that some, especially young pharmacists who indulge in it too. " "Excesses involve a behavior that is not relevant to scientific and social status pharmacist "- sadly concludes speaker, exclaiming," Give pharmacists freedom! "
less emotional now offers a statistical study, conducted in 1911:
By this time in Moscow was 78 pharmacies, which in total employed 713 people. The average monthly salary was 181 rubles. for the Masters, 111 rubles. for pharmacists, 68 rubles. for apothecary assistants and 27 rubles. for students. Salary
this, at that time was unenviable. For comparison: the district police officer in Moscow at the beginning of the century received a monthly salary of 175 rubles., And "could not refer themselves to a sufficient class, in 1913 his salary was raised to 325 rubles. per month.
And some more statistics: about a lifetime, whether speaker lost his temper, whether the situation is corrected by 1911 - But according to statistics the average age of the employees of pharmacies was 37 years (this is for master's and pharmacists, for the lower - significantly less), and for informative Pharmacy - 45 years. Average life expectancy of at the pharmacy for employees was about 20 years for assistants and students - 8 and 2, respectively. Interestingly, that among 12% of employees were women, but among the informative pharmacies are almost no (1%).
However, back to Ferrein's. The company has increased significantly, The total annual trade turnover in September 1910 was 5.7 million rubles. In addition Staronikolskoy pharmacy Partnership "Ferrein's" possessed:
- Chemical baktereologicheskoy laboratory (at St. Nicholas, near the pharmacy). Here, take orders for various tests and studies. In addition, when the laboratory was organized practical exercises, and conduct lectures. For example, in 1902 in the framework of these activities took place on 5 biological excursions in Moscow suburbs for the study medicinal herbs and plants. One of the trips took place in the current Butovo, where there have been Ferrein's house and apothecary garden.
- numerous laboratories to make the study of pharmaceuticals, soaps, perfumes and cosmetics and so on. All this is housed in several three-storey buildings in Krivokolenny lane. There was also a warehouse office for drying and processing herbs and glass, and in the same place wholesale pharmacy products
- four retail stores (on Nikolskaya street, Tverskaya Street in the house Smirnov, the Arbat, near the Big Afanasievsky street h.10 at Serpukhov Square, corner of Grand Polianka Ordynka)
- Plantation of medicinal herbs in the Podolsk district, Moscow province
- Factory of Chemical Products in Mologa Yaroslavl Province
itself Staronikolskaya pharmacy deserves special mention. The rooms were elegantly decorated in a style staronemetskom. In the first floor on the right was a room for hand-selling ready-made pharmaceuticals (now there is a boutique, photo), on the second floor - to the left was carried out taking orders from the public prescription, and in the other direction - dispensing, made according to recipes. Next on the upper floors of the place making drugs. Manufactured drugs were subjected to triple control. Manufacture of drugs takes 80 assistants, and control - 8 pharmacists, supervisors. Incidentally, the working day lasted 14 hours, but work was in shifts - for each employee for 7 hours.
volumes of pharmacy is certainly impressive: in 1910, was manufactured 717,901 prescriptions maximum number of prescriptions made during the day in 2910 (!). At the same time the company has demonstrated steady growth. But not for long with the strengthening of society anti-German sentiment, things got worse, and after 1917, ceased operations altogether.
Mark Ferein there are now (or rather, came after adjustment), belongs to the notorious ZAO Bryntsalov-A "(but no relation to the family Ferrein's it as far as I understand it, has not, therefore, is spelled with one" r ").
(Very sad irony, of course, is how one "p" Department known for excellent quality products from Ferrein's fabled "bryntsalovki)
now in the building of St. Nicholas Pharmacy on the first floor is boutique. A second restaurant.
But pictures:
Staronikolskaya pharmacy (as I understand it, the first floor)

Staronikolskaya pharmacy (apparently, the second floor)

Shops Ferrein's

Buildings in Krivokolenny lane

But Staronikolskaya pharmacy now:

restaurant on the second floor

ceiling and chandelier

list of lit-ry:
- Secret Life Pharmacy: (From the notes of pharmacist) (1883)
- the question of the need to reduce working day in pharmacies: Dokl., cheat. in total. Works. tsp. Ros. pharmacist. Islands reciprocity. Welfare on January 28. 1900 secretary. O-va BN Saltykov (1900)
- Issuance of reviews on new and emerging medical facilities: Refereed bus. at the Congress of Germ. o in the Naturalists and messages. Ow. Karl. Ferrein's in September. Moscow meeting. Pharmacy. Islands: Trans. with the manuscript author. (1900)
- About botanical excursions around Moscow: (Dokl., cheat. Mage. Pharm. JS Tkeshelashvili in Godich. Mosk meeting. Pharmacist. Islands, comp. 15 November. 1902)
- Pharmacists Russia: Sex, age, marital status, Scient. qualification., recipes. turnover, salaries, maintenance employees and others. : Stat. data questionnaire produced. Commission. among aptekosoderzhateley and employees of pharmacists Russia (1911)
- Experience a historical sketch the emergence and development of the drugstore business in Russia, and in particular the old St. Nicholas pharmacy is now owned by the partnership "by VK Ferrein's" and founded in 1701 in the reign of Emperor Peter the Great by Daniel Gurchin. 1701-1911
And in general, and got some a lot of pharmacies have, here , for example.

Foods To Strengthen Ligament

But someone - cats? Cats-who?

Then here's one very good man looking for a house for two pretty Koshak. 1,5 months. Ginger - a boy, black - girl. Maybe someone will take it?
The original post here
Census welcome!
UPD: and here is the handsome pictures:

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Black Death The 5 Symptoms In Order

kato4ek @ 2008-08-12T11: 11:00

Backlog experience OWL.
me this very long book hochetststsa one from Germany. German Amazon furious finally, by using their delivery book turns golden : (. Parcels by post reaching across time (checked Amazons!).
In connection with this matter to the people who know: Is there anything Kaki service to find an occasion for send booklets from zabugorya? (She looked for something found, but it has some poludohloe:))
Or maybe someone of you soon in Austria / Germany lather?
(ahtung! - a thick book - 700 pages)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Nadine Jansen Club Clean

old magazines / newspapers

In the gloomy days of summer is very tempting to dip into nostalgia and remember how in childhood we were in those days at the cottage on the second floor, comfortable rain drumming on the roof and smelled fresh (washed from the foliage outside the window) and dust (from the mountains of magazines, which were filled to capacity racks on the second floor). Selected journals were indeed impressive - starting perhaps with the 60-ies. "New World" as a child I was not impressed, more liked those with pictures - "Crocodile", "Pioneer", "Young Naturalist", "Science and Life." So much was not clear, but we're still a very tender age with the same pleasure buried in the dusty stacks of already yellowed by the time the magazines. A favorite of the new, those who were discharged for me personally, was "Streetcar." It is difficult to imagine how many times I reread favorite numbers. Unfortunately, the repair giving the relatives did not show proper deference to the printed word and all that trash burned in FIG. Long I was sad over a handful of ashes, but nothing has been done about it ... And then just recently unexpected joy - Yo-ho-ho! magazines, then in the network are! It turns out that good people have long been a bunch of old numbers scanned and uploaded to the network. Here you and "Pioneer" and "Funny Pictures" (only cover, unfortunately), and "Science and Life" (here here , incidentally, a selection of their collection on the history of Moscow), and "Crocodile" and my adored «Streetcar» ! Hip-hip-hooray! Me back and the frog Pipa and tybloki happiness, suffering painfully in love with balkonihu balcony, and vurdralak Gavkin with a good heart, and with butyavkami Kalush, and many more who ...
It's not so
in one Scottish town lived a Aunt Solveig. Outwardly, she seemed the most ordinary aunt. But in life she had somehow turned out all wrong, like the others. She could spend hours running around on the ice and did not fall, but often slips on dry pavement. She deliberately dropped her vase from the fifth floor, and that is not broken. But when she accidentally hurt the arm a pitcher like that - to pieces! At Auntie Solveig even the dog was in fact actually not the dog and cat. But about this the wrong dog - some other time.
Worked Aunt Solveig not in the same town where she lived, but quite another Scottish city. And to work she flew an airplane - twice a week. From the house Aunt Solveig set off early to catch the airport. But for some reason always late. And the plane flew without it.
One morning she decided: "Enough of late, today it is necessary to get to work."
Aunt breakfasted an hour earlier than usual and on-speed car BMW drove to the airport. However, halfway through her run out of petrol.
- Ho-ho! - Exclaimed Aunt Solveig.
- This specially in case I keep a bucket full of gasoline.
And she went on. But it soon became clear that the shortest road to the airport at this hour is closed for renovation.
-hee-hee! - Smiled Aunt Solveig.
- I'm going to detour. Time, many more.
A way to bypass went through the bridge. And you ought to happen, that this bridge is unexpectedly collapsed into a river.
- Ha, ha, - said Auntie Solveig. - I'm in the back seat is a large inflatable boat. She and the car will stand. Change over to swim!
Crossing across the river - oddly enough - ended safely. The airport has remained a few kilometers from the sky suddenly fallen meteor and landed right in the front wheel.
- Heh-heh ... - Sighed Aunt Solveig.
- have to put a spare. Never mind, have time.
But the spare tire in the trunk for some reason was not found. But there lay an old bicycle.
When Aunt Solveig finally got to the airport, falling from the bike only twice, raced her aircraft on the runway. "Wow - surprised Aunt Solveig - did not have time ..." But she was determined to get to work today and so immediately went to buy a ticket for the next flight.
- there are no tickets - and said to her hand.
- How so? Have always been ...
- And today, no!
"Okay - Aunt Solveig reasoned," I come to myself flying away. Surely someone be late. "And while she decided on a bus to go home for lunch.
bus winds through the city more than an hour." Streets are unfamiliar - worried aunt Solveig. - Maybe it's not at all my city of Glasgow? .. However, we must calm down and try to act differently ".
After lunch, she pulled out of the closet Norwegian map City of Oslo, which usually went in the summer to swim in the gentle sea. "What's the fastest bus rides to the airport? - Murmured Aunt Solveig, running her finger on the map. - It seems that the 777-th ... However, you should hurry. Prior to departure, the remaining ten minutes! "
he fed canned dog that was a cat, and abundantly watered cactus a ficus, aunt rushed into the street. But in a hurry for some reason she got into the tram № XIII. "Doedu somehow - comforted themselves aunt. - Map does not fail."
And indeed: half an hour later she was almost there - the airport remained to pass any some a couple of miles. "Oh," thought Aunt Solveig, brisk walking on the highway - so even uninteresting. No you adventure ... Although the airline still has departed ".
But the plane did not fly away. Because he has suddenly fallen off the left wing. While this wing to fasten seat, all passengers passed the tickets and rushed to the station hoping to catch a train from Glasgow, Edinburgh. Aunt Solveig could Now choose a plane anywhere. Though near the porthole!
"Well, - she was happy, comfortably settling into a chair - I also felt that now surely 'll get to work! Importantly, no fuss ... "
deafening engines roared. But it soon subsided.
- What happened? - Asked Aunt Solveig.
- None radioman and the stewardess - announced the crew commander. - Apparently, they decided that the wing is not repaired, and went to the circus on the performances of African rhinos.
- So what now?
- Nothing. Without them, resolutely refuse to fly. Maybe I wanted too look at the rhinos.
"No luck - I think Aunt Solveig, leaving the empty plane. - It is necessary to although a telegram to the Chief ".
She went to the post office and sent a telegram:
AUNT Solveig
You probably think that the chief immediately dismissed my aunt from work. Certainly not! Before she dine as the postman delivered the answer:
Lord Commander
Can not you guess what happened? It's very simple: the telegraph lines somehow messed up some of the letters and instead "The Wheel" received "head" instead of "WING DUMPS -" ROOF DOWN "and the word" supper "turned into a" dies ".
- turns out I was deceived by Mr. Head, - Sad Aunt Solveig. - What should I do now with denzhischami? - She asked the dog, which was a cat.
dog shrugged. Then my aunt Solveig opened the phone book and dialed the number.
- This Norwegian city of Bergen? - She asked someone. - Says Aunt Solveig. Do not find you any work? .. Oh, thank you .. True, I live in Oslo ... Well, yes, this is not a problem ... Of course, the plane is quite convenient ... Twice a week ... Good! Tomorrow I'm leaving ...
He heard the busy tone. Aunt Solveig wanted to hang up the phone but never appeared. "I guess I forgot it on the plane - she decided. - Day Today some sort of strange. Although everything seems to be settled well ".
However, the mood of his aunt was somehow sad.'s Arm caught her journal, which brought the postman together with a telegram. Leafing through the pages, she went to the mirror and looked at herself from head to toe.
- And why I did it all wrong, like the others? - Asked Aunt Solveig reflected. - Here, even in the magazines write about me already ... She put
page closer to the mirror and read:
In one Scottish town Once there was Aunt Solveig

frost is not terrible
in one Scottish city a long time autumn comes. In other European cities, it had long since come, even snow in some places had fallen, but in this case, the individual Scottish city, well, could not come. Advancing, advancing - and did!
accurate in it's time to call me back my friend Aunt Solveig.
- Come on - he says - to us. We have a well. We still summer. Goggle-eyed dragonflies fly. And anyway ...
- Okay - I agreed, - Come. If the tickets are.
tickets, oddly enough, turned out in bulk. On any mode of transport.
- I do the same to the Scottish city of Glasgow - I did not believe the cashier.
- I'm not deaf, - resented the cashier. - I understand that you are not up to the North Pole. Here you go, you want - on an airplane, you want - on the ship you want - on the tram ...
I chose the tram. Tuesday night came to a stop. We have gathered a dozen who had to be in Scotland. On urgent business. Nobody believed that the tram do come. And if you come, you're lucky if in such distant lands. But he came and took exactly 21.30.
tram as a tram. Only in the car seat instead of the clamshell stand. To sleep in a way you can. And even every two hours, hot coffee and sandwiches are served with cheese.
the road, I kept a diary. Here are a few records from him:

"on November 11. Let's go!'s Crazy! ..
November 12. Let's go.
November 13. Keep going.
November 14. We continue to keep riding ...
November 15. Gone Paris - a city of contrasts.
November 16. They drove to the beach. After a hearty dinner - down to the water.
November 17. Sailing.
November 18. Still afloat. (Coffee was served regularly, and sandwiches stale).
November 19. At noon, the water seemed to sea snakes. All the passengers shouted: "He'll eat us!" However Snake winced and said: "I do not like trams. Painful crunch ... "and disappeared into the depths of the sea.
November 20. Until now sailing surrounded by the sharks of imperialism. Electricity is over. Began the storm. Cradles ...
21 November. On the horizon the city of Glasgow.
November 22. Horizon is approaching.
November 23. Began slowly approaching.
November 24. Doplyvem Really?
November 25. Swam! Swim! .. "

- Well, at last, - exclaimed Aunt Solveig - but then I really started to worry. - She wiped away a dragonfly pop-eyed, shrunken in her ear.
- plaguing of them do not. In some parts of Europe already lies the snow, but we do dragonflies fly.
for speed BMW car, we safely reached the house of Aunt Solveig. At the door we were met by a large black dog named Shaq. I patted her behind the ear.
- Here's a canned bone. The highest grade!
- Thanks, I'm hungry ... - Shak sighed.
- He does not eat the bones - explained Aunt Solveig - because the fish feed. After all, in fact it is a cat.
- I only have "Sprat in tomato sauce."
- good! - Overjoyed Shaq and his teeth in a jar.
- Rare dog - said I - that is a cat. For her, perhaps, a special observation is?
- Famous Sobakoved regularly monitors Shaka at a telescope - boasted Aunt Solveig.
here from the roof of his voice was heard:
- Oh, these dragonflies! The whole sky filled! Is it possible to such conditions, see the moon?
A minute later we went down the well-known Sobakoved, which was actually an astronomer.
- I am glad to welcome you in Norwegian City of Oslo, - he said, handing me a dragonfly. - Here, Sympetrum sangiuneum, especially for you.
Mechanically I took a goggle-eyed insect.
- But why in Norwegian? I'm in Scottish city of Glasgow has arrived ...
- Do not worry, Nick. - Aunt Solveig put his hand on my shoulder. - We've got everything so mixed up - can not understand themselves, what really is happening. In short, Europe - the common house, you know. But the world must be taken for what it is, ikke sant?
I nodded.
- And you, by the way, as here got? - Asked Sobakoved, he's an astronomer, he's probably someone else.
- I sailed on the tram.
- You see - he smiled a man with a telescope. - The next time you come to me for a visit. I live on the fourth cloud on the left of the Sun.
- On the boat very easy to reach - advised Aunt Solveig. - And to me now to another city for work time. We now solve the difficult question, "On the Structure of the garden on the roof of an apartment house."
Soon everyone went about their business: Aunt Solveig flew in the Norwegian city of Bergen, known Sobakoved - the observatory Para-Mount. Schuck climbed into a tree and recited verses from there, composed in his honor to the brave fireman, who once was a poet:
Dogs - with only a mean dog,
But when they are glued mustache,
They are very easily become cats -
These tender, oh-ma! .. Meanwhile, I sat on the grass and thought: "How it all mixed up in this world. Nothing is impossible to understand: where is the winter, where summer ... where the earth, where sky ... Or maybe it's for the best? Live like fun. When tomorrow is not like yesterday ... And who knows what will happen the next moment. "
My thoughts interrupted by the postman. He brought news to the Motherland: "Dear Tim Sobakin! Urgently return. Library drifted snow. Readers can not get the" Russian-Norwegian Dictionary fisheries terms. "shovel is waiting for you! Head Cleaning territories."
- Sorry - I said a postman - but you've come to the wrong address. I'm Nick Bosma, children's writer. And this letter to some janitor Tim Soba ...
- Let your passport. - Postman through the pages. - Errors do not. We need only name-surname read-back to front. Then, instead of "Nick Bosma," just get ...
- you're right - agreed, rather, I had already agreed. - This is probably why I got it wrong.
- Maybe you to dance a farewell? - Suggested The Postman, which in reality was a dancer. - I have very bad gopak obtained.
- Thank you. As some other times. I was waiting for a shovel.
And I hastened to the port to catch the evening horse-Oslo-Zhmerynka Guangzhou-Moscow. Near the coach showed up my suitcase, forgotten at a meeting with Aunt Solveig.
- who already host day waits - the policeman said. - Why is it abandoned? I do not whether there is gold with diamonds?
- There 'Sprat in tomato sauce ".
- Same thing! - approved the Police and played the French horn a solemn march in honor of the departure of our crew.
in heavy seas driver stupidly yanked reins, bewildered muttering under his breath:
- I do not see the guiding star, sir. Where is right? Kuzia are swim? ..
Then I struck the French match and tossed it into the dark sky. The sky was lighted beacon.
- Well, that's nice - a sigh of relief driver. - Now, no frost is not terrible.

In general, old newspapers beautiful. In addition to the long known and loved me headman with a selection of our newspapers 1901-1908 years (especially the good ones out there for my taste, ads), I discovered there by accident, that is, and Times posted its archive already since 1785 (!) years. Yes, headlines such as «Execution of the Queen of France» (October 23, 1793 - Execution of Marie Antoinette) or «Titanic sunk» produce impression ...:) Still very cool that in contrast to our elder, there is not just text, but a scan of that same newspaper page. The Germans also have a similar thing - "Spiegel" (albeit only from 1947), but there are many old newspapers varying degrees of famous and interesting, but the "contents" with the advertisements of the most significant events on German newspapers there, and read old German Gothic - fun somewhere else.
UPD: Here I am a canary! - It turns out, here is a wealth there, here and journals , and postcards, and films and have a lot of interesting things. Highly recommend!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Have U Ever Used I Candida

MIFF - subtotals of the association. Briefly

«Absurdistan" - a wonderful "kustoritsoobrazny" movie with a cozy atmosphere of a tiny mountain village, a sweet and funny stories of first love, as well as ever "battle of the sexes»
«Fados" - a great film from a musical trilogy Carlos Saura. At one time when I was still in school he looked "Blood Wedding", I got sick Lorca and the English music. In general, his films are amazing, in my opinion, it is this passionate musicality. Even I, a man of very little training in music and a very mediocre feel it in his films to fall into a trance state, it seems that you are completely dissolved in the sound, which already seems to be inside and outside, and inside you.
Frankly, fado, and all the performers from film - for me - opening. Fado - sticky music, oppressive heart, tender dark skin, smell the salt wind, a solitary figure on the seashore.
.. Olives Plain
opens the fan,
wrapped fan.
Above shoots oilseed
inclined sky low,
and pour a dark rain
cold light.
on the canal bank
trembling reeds and dusk,
and the third - gray wind.
full of olives
lonely bird cries.
Oh, poor prisoned flock!
Playing dark night
their long tails.
Movie Trailer here
And a few artists:
Declaration of love Lisbon from Carlos Do Sarmo (vidoryad in the movie was much more interesting)
finest songs from one of the most famous performers of fado Mariza here and here (!)

Monday, June 2, 2008

2010 Carnival Cruise Beer Prices

and again almost autumn

Just here at home is very cold and that's why I have all the cold subject pulls ...:) So, what I mean - the "Winter Days"

long wanted to write, but here's all hands did not reach. Japanese cartoon about project cycle Basho's Haiku "string concatenation. Winter day, on which we went to this winter. The device of this project is very interesting: he made on the basis of Rank (? Or renga) which means "string of verse". I am a complete ignoramus in Japanese poetry, so that what it can tell only a very primitive: it is a special poetic form a cycle of haiku, which is created jointly by a group of poets on certain principles (eg, such as the number of poets, the sequence in which they "take the word" and so on.). a cartoon "Winter Days» - the same story: Each of the 35 film directors got their haiku from Basho cycle, the which he was totally independent from the other participants to remove very short cartoon, no longer than 30 seconds (this standard could clearly cause us to fit not all).
impression of this action is absolutely stunning . Firstly, it is the highest concentration in the semantic unit time. Secondly - it is conceivable variety of life forms, as it is - and in terms of feelings about the poems (truly amazing, from the philosophical parables to polueroticheskih anecdotes by chilling mystical stories) and in terms of techniques - both the computer and clay, and puppets and some very rare abstruse cartoon art - all this I certainly do not remember (there still then shown a film about the history of the establishment with a few interviews with each of the directors, that's where I'm talking about engineering know something). Each cartoon in this project - a tiny miniature and the whole world. Not all of them I liked and were not all understood (as, However themselves haiku), but all together - it's an amazing feeling ... mainly in the draft uchuvstvovali Japanese, but there were several 5 (or 7? devil had already forgotten) European masters. Interestingly, even the naked eye layman (my eye) instantly recognizes European cartoons even among this abundance. They are very stand out, though very different, but somehow do not look like the Japanese. Our countrymen have been represented there by Alexander Petrov, and adored by Yuri Norstein.
Haiku Norstein was the first:

«Crazy lyrics» ...
Autumn whirlwind ...
Oh, how I am now in their rags
On Tychus looks like a beggar!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Brazilian Wax Gallery Before After

Herbst auf der ganze Linie

Despite on the first day of summer mood for some impassable and fall.
There are different writers - the warm and cold period of the season. Here Erich Kästner on my taste very autumn-winter. We have, he is best known for books for children about Emile, about the button, and Anton. Well, there may be, based on the novel "Three Men in the Snow" - a very funny and touching book, a "sitcom". His children's things to me, too cute, but still a real bastard, I from his poems. Critical moment in language acquisition - is when you can freeze the heart of the poems in this language when you're whole being begins to feel their music breathe in rhythm with her. For me, it was poetry Kestner. And that, my first love, it will not forget. And now every fall almost by themselves, I begin to knock in his head string. They are very simple and concise in form, always with irony, even on a very painful topic not an ounce of pathos and snot. This is - these are "Poems for every day, without the high global goals, poems that are simply to help survive this day, understand and accept it. He even has a cycle of poems - Lyrical kit (Die lyrische Apotheke) - there are so many tips for all occasions: if you're alone, if the marriage came to an end, if not money if it was the autumn, when you - a young girl:) and many others.
How good is wise and unflappable little sad grandfather with a good sense of humor, giving advice is not always original, from which somehow still becomes happier.
under the cut just a few of the most lyrical first-aid kit - for those who have become distant from nature, I forgot it. In Russian poetry Kestner I could not be found. So the only nemetskochitayuschih:

Herbst auf der ganze Linie

Nun gibt der Herbst dem Wind die Sporen.
Die bunten Laubgardinen wehn.
Die Straßen ähneln Korridoren,
in denen Türen offenstehn.

Das Jahr vergeht in Monatsraten.
Es ist schon wieder fast vorbei.
And what you do, are rarely acts.
What one does is antics.

It is as if the sun appeared.
you leaves us cold. She seems to glow.
take the stomach to the line.
He growls. He wants to be fed.

misses the leaves are always yellow,
bids farewell to the branches and falls.
The earth rotates around itself.
and you can tell when you drink.

one is really born only to perish
how the years?
The streets resemble corridors
open stand in which doors.

The hours make their rounds.
We follow them step by step.
And slowly go to the dogs.
We were back out. We run.

It greets the world with cold faces.
The smile is not serious. It
blow colorful foliage curtains.
raining Now it does. The sky is crying.

Man is alone and will remain so.
Ruth is out of town and the traffic
limited merely writing letters again.
Love is a long time ago!

The game is completely lost.
And yet, go on it.
The streets resemble corridors
open stand in which doors.

The woods are silent

The seasons move through the woods.
Man does not see it. It only reads the Gazette. The seasons
prowl through the fields.
counting the days. And counting the money.
Man yearns away from the clamor of the city.
The proposed brick-red roofs sea waves.
The air is thick and as of gray cloth.
You always dream of fields and stables.
You always dream of green and trout ponds. And
want to visit in the silence.

The soul is stepping from the pavement twisted.
with trees can be like brothers talk
and exchanges with them to his soul.
The woods are silent. But they are not dumb.
And who may come, to comfort everyone.
Man flees from the offices and factories.
Where is the same! The world is round!
Where the grasses such as nodding acquaintances and where
knit spider silk stockings,
will be healthy.

spring to advance

In Green's is not even green. The grass is unkempt
in the woods,
as if it were a thousand years old.
Here, then, you think, should soon
bloom the bluebells?

The leaves are gray in the service
and rustle rustle there and here, as
Raschle greaseproof paper.
The wind plays piano Über'm forest, sometimes quiet and sometimes loud

But if the Life knows that's familiar.
And certainly, this year's
the way it was in other years.
sits in the forest a couple
and waits for the spring.

One should not blame the two drum,
they just love nature and like to sit
in woods and fields. Man's
understand quite well, only:
you will catch a cold!

dance in the sky shining Aeroplane

It is already so. Spring is in motion. The trees
loll. The windows amazed.
The air is soft, as if it were made of feathers.
And everything else is irrelevant. Well, all dogs need
a bride.
And Pony hat told me they would find:
The sun was small, warm hands and crawl
her with it on the skin.
The home people are proud front of the house.
You sit again on terraces
and no more freezes, and can be seen.
who has small children, they will extend.
Many young ladies have weak knees.
And in my veins's rolls like sweet cream.
dance in the sky shining Aeroplane.
Man is happy there. And do not know how.
You should go back walking again.
The blue and green and red was very faded.
Spring is here! The world is freshly painted!
People smile, until they understand each other. The souls
stilt walk through the city.
on the balcony stand men without the West
and sow cress in flower boxes.
Blessed is he who has this flower boxes.
The gardens are still bare the bills.
The sun heats and takes revenge on winter.
While it is every year the same thing,
and yet it's always like the first time.

Prima Weather

Where are the days that were so sad
and their sadness overcame us like this?
The sun is shining. The year is in the clear.
It is, to screaming to jump out of skin and
long as the balloon blue sky!

The green trees are washed fresh.
The sky is made of giant blue taffeta.
The sun rays play chasing giggling.
One sits and smiles, the happiness takes off bottles
and lives in a prime neighborhood.

One might think, if you wanted to fly.
away from the chair. With cake and coffee.
lie on white clouds like on sofas
and occasionally forward thinking and turn
: "So that's where the Spree."

one could talk with flowers and meadows
stroke as his fiancee.
One could in a thousand parts divide
and fold his hands with delight.
you are just not built for more.

Man pulls himself full Doubts about the hair.
The sun seems as if 'it sense again.
Where are the days that were so sad?
It is to formally pass the skin.
The great difficulty is: Where?

sadness that everyone knows

We know from the outset, as it runs.
before tomorrow morning you will not cheerfully determined.
And if you ever so much gets drunk:
the bitterness that is not washed down.

comes the sorrow and goes without reason.
filled And it is with nothing but emptiness.
Man is not sick. And is not healthy.
It is as if the soul would be uncomfortable.

They want to be alone. And then again, not.
Man raises his hand and wants to beat.
front of the mirror you think, "This is your face?"
Ah, those wrinkles can be ironed no tailor.

Perhaps one has dislocated the mind?
The stars are similar to sunspots suddenly.
Man is not sick. It just feels offended.
And holds, whatever it may be excluded for.

One would like to continue and find no hiding place.
It would, then, you could be buried.
Wherever one looks, creating a dark spot.
One would be dead. Or have reasons.

We know the sadness resolved very soon.
you have vanished every time, whenever they came.
time you're down, and sometimes one is up.
The souls become tame again.

The one nods and says: ". Such is life"
The other shakes his head and crying.
Who is sad, be it without resistance!
Is that a comfort? So it was not meant.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Vw Transporter Convertions Insurance

kato4ek @ 2008-05-10T00: 29:00

Очень забавное ВИДЕО о том, как строили нашу любимую альма матерь:)
Excerpt large and sometimes nudnovaty interesting to see the very beginning - the types Sparrow Hills with Moscow river at that time, a pastoral village picture :)
And another 25 minutes there is also very nice - small houses, which stood on the site of present-day grain boundaries to the Sparrow Hills. Particularly good goat! :)

Monday, April 7, 2008

Electric Box Level 19

kato4ek @ 2008-04-25T01: 09:00

Recently I'm here in a fit of idiocy has created a surging community [info] genius_loci_msk , Moscow genius loci, to mean:)
about the soul of our beautiful city, as it is, and how they see all sorts of famous people, tightly holding pen.
In general, of Moscow in the literature, to put the language school.
At first I was somehow shy and uncomfortable, and then liked it so much! :)
I'm already there povykladyvala Khoi-what. :)
Join us, and then to me there one dull% -)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

How To Get Mixer On My Toshiba

going to Kiev!

Tomorrow, 26 (ie today) depart for a day at the "Mother of Russian cities."
Hoped soak it in already this spring, but the fig you!
+2 and rain.
But there, I think, still good.
I love this city.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Pokemon Platinum Make Pokemon Shiny Uk

And I've got spring!

Despite the cold was intense, as some feel that spring is coming soon.
Here at home came to a clear and pleasant-smelling proof.
As there is ...
... Soon the birds will sing and bloom ...