Friday, December 24, 2010

Birthday Cakes (motorbikes)

The last time done: 26 May 2007 @ 06:35 am
This time I leave the answers then so be it or not including the current version.
times change eventually.
Let's see what is left from back then. xD

first What time is it?

6:36 - 13:53

second What is your name?

- still is. ^ ^

third When were you born? On 4.3.83

- Even as it takes nothing.

4th What kind of nickname you get far in life? How do I know this is
now? Oo

- Still no change. Currently, there are countless of my friend. Chan Chuu and such. ^ ^ '

5th What have you for a job?
Oh uh - way too much. Learned not just practicing typist ^ ^ '

- Seller

6th Do you have siblings?

- Still not. xD

7th Possession you have any pets? If so, what kind?
Öhm aufblogtitelguck * * Neeeeeeeeein. >. \u0026lt;Okay ... Sway. Perhaps even more Mac but that was about. ;)

- Two only. Kimmi and Sway. =) A couple of awesome dogs Ladies - MallinoisMix and Langhaarplüschschäfi. \u0026lt;3

8th Who belongs to all your closest friends?
What is this? * Grin *
Marcel, Jessica, Janine, cha (?) - Rather that I have to do the least. ^ ^''

- David, Catherine & Vivi - My friend somehow. o_O

9th How would you describe yourself?
I'm loving. > \u0026lt;

-.-Related situation - that is adaptable flexible.

10th How tall are you?

- HA! Grown - 1,73 m

11th How much do you weigh? After the feeding of
attack yesterday? 75 * drop *

- Hey, we have Christmas. I will not tell you for sure!

12th What kind of an eye color are you? Braun
something green in the direction and in between.

- Still the same - depending on mood

13th What color is your hair and how long are they?
brown, long

- also still the same

14th What kind of a shoe size are you?
Veeeery different. Between 39 and 41 - will change the way also decrease through.

- Still the same.

15th What is
a) your favorite color?

- Joa ... blue gray / purple something is there now. Pastel. xD

b) your favorite food?

- Pretty much everything that makes me my monster. ^ ^''

c) your favorite animal?

- remained that way.

d) your favorite shampoo?
That which gave me Janine. Bamboo fragrance. No clue how that is. oO

- in exchange.

e) your favorite drink?
iced tea

- Unchanged.

f) your favorite ice cream?

- Pretty much everything from Lagnese and Rewe. ^ ^ '

g) your favorite song?
Sowa is a luxury and I have non.

- luxury I can not always afford and favorite songs are with me entscheidungsunfreudigem thing are rare.

h) your favorite Web site?
The friends page of my blog. ^ ^ '

- / facebook - and only if its needs. ^ ^ '

i) your favorite subject in school?
Which school? oO

- I do not remember. Do German wars. At least I was great in it.

j) your dream car?
Yes, but hello. Still my Lamborghini Gallardo. Although I could make friends with the Audi from I Robot in the street version, too. ;)

- This remained. xD

k) your dream?
Mamas take firm ...

- Not that. o_O
out its own very awesome and successful company. And that's only because I will be together around the clock with my doggies can love and for everything else I can set the time as I need it.
Ah. And be completely healthy would be great. : /

l) your favorite book? Did I

- What is a book? o____o

m) your favorite movie?
The Ghost and the Darkness

- and a hundred other movies too.

s) your favorite actor? Matthew Lillard

- remained that way.

o) your favorite number?

- Still. ^ _ ^

p) your favorite word?

- monster.

16th What color do you prefer for your clothes?

- Adaptive mood. Good mood - bright colors. Bad mood - as dark as possible. ^ ^ 'But I have little black in the cabinet.

17th What kind of music you?
Preferably, film music and then just the music of the people who do it a night to do something with film music. ^ ^ '

- Colorful mixed, has come, especially since my sneaky monster in my life.

18th What music group do you especially? Rascall Flatts
from time to time and Linkin Park

- Linkin Park and now and Rascall Flatts xD No, many different groups. Countless.

19th Who is
a) your favorite celebrity?
Mia Rose

- Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ... kp

b) the most horrible person you know?
Eh ... my dad?

- My Mum. 100 xD No, really nothing around to%. My parents are simply difficult.
But who is it terrible? I think that's someone I've never in my life. ^ _ ^

c) the most annoying person you know?
ok definitely my dad. * Grin *

- My friend (and Kimmi - if it were a person)! -.- Annoying as hell sometimes. Exuberant love and exuberant joy. Bad mix.
But ... just that also makes them great personalities in my life may be missing.

d) your s dream man / woman?
My Romeo ... I once due to an event thinking about it forever. Anyone who seeks finds it determines. ;)

- is changing.

e) love of your life? Is my
Sway. Fortunately, are different kinds of love. :)

- Hmmmmmmm. The question is difficult. I put out this question, because there are different kinds of love and which of these versions can be the greatest, I say.

f) your s secret / r admirer / in?
If that is secret, how do you know? Contradiction in terms?

- xD Still the same answer.

g) your / e Favorite teacher?
WTF? Oo I'm out since 04 of all schools and have replaced it.

- I do not know everything. ^ ^ '

20th Do you smoke?
No. And I get at least once a week to hear how good it is. (By customers) Oo

- Still not, never was, never will be ready.

21st Do you drink a lot of Alk?

- Same response as 20th

22nd Are you still with your parents?
Joa at Papa's more like - ditto Cha.

- Yes and no, I live with my dad in the house, but as I pay rent and half the house I live almost filled strictly speaking not with my parents.

23rd Do you have piercings? If yes, where?

- These have not changed anything. I now wear a pacemaker in me, now I know I sure nothing additional leave determined purely throw in my body, not even in part.

24th Do you have tattoos? If so, where and what?

- Still not.

25th Choose what applies to you!
a) Single or "Out" Out
- btw. what a word. * Drop *

- Sold. \u0026lt;3

b) simple or complicated

- Still very complicated everything.

c) stupid or clever
both. Situation-specific.

- is stuck with it.

d) gently or research

- depends.

e) passive or active
order. And state-dependent.

- So still.

f) loving or evil
Dear angry but unfortunately almost love it. ;)

- usually both.

g) naive or a nasty dirty
Naivchen. * Grin *

- no idea.

h) Chaos and order
Chaos. What the other is still the same?


i) male or female

- Is still bear this out.

j) homo-, hetero-, bi or transsexual bisexual

- too.

k) or quietly freaked
both somehow.

- Still.

l) safe or dangerous
You can be sure ?!?!?!

- Dangerous.

26th Choose what you like better!
a) sunrise or sunset-
Sunrise. New day with new problems - it's great. :)

- sunset. = Read)

b) write or read and write
correction. * Drop *

- writing! Definitely. I'm too tired to read mostly. ^ ^ '

c) monarchy or democracy
monarchy - Democracy is hardly anything else.

What you choose is always the same evil that is - why non-identical monarchy? Then I feel guilty at least not if I could have chosen the current evil ...

- The opinion I am still.

d) or Uke Seme

- And I still do not know what that is. xD

s) to get up late or wake up late
Hoe? N is the difference?

- waking up late, I think not much of it around to lie awake in bed.

f) emerald or ruby, emerald
. Just has something.

- but this remains entirely groundless.

g) heaven or hell
hell. I've always had something left for the dark side.

- My world. ^ _ ^

h) leather or cotton

- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

i) Left or Right
do I have there now?

- Depends on what.

j) Mustard or ketchup
It depends on what. But rather Ketchup - has fewer points.

- mustard! On cheese, bread, everywhere. \u0026lt;3

k) hug or kiss

- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - By the way - can someone explain the times my friend?

l) skirt or pants pants

- So songwriter remained.

m) sandals or sneakers sneakers

- So songwriter remained.

apple apple or banana - a few points.

- tastes better the apple - Fuck the points! what

o) victims or perpetrators
oO What I like better in terms?

- perpetrators. If one grabs you get what perhaps in gratitude for that. =)

p) vampire or werewolf
vampire - much less fur.

- werewolf, just a lot of fuzzy term and fluffy. \u0026lt;3

q) demon or angel
demon - explore the possibilities.

- Are you more.

s) good or evil

- As ob Is it both the same.

s) dream or reality
reality - even if it is sometimes painful.

- But of course.

t) soft or hard

- fluffy and soft COURSE! =)

u) bread or bread rolls

- Omnomnom - fast!

v) Fruit or vegetable fruit

- fruit, exactly. =)

w) sex or petting

- Here to stay!

x) vanilla or chocolate vanilla

- Schoooooooooooooooooooko \u0026lt;3

27th Are you for sex before marriage?

Yes - absolutely still. How else can one know whether the other part worth?

28th What is the most romantic thing that ever happened to you?
I am never happened what I would call a cheap romantic - I think.
falls At least that degree of anything.

- Hmmmm ... I know grad nich so closely.

29th How do you define
love Love needs no definition

- The opinion I am still.

b) hope?
Never give up no matter how naive that is Oô
Cha ... Ditto.

- Hope dies last!

c) life? can be
Unrepentant ...

- yes I won.

d) friendship? Shared experiences

- Common Interests BEAUTIFUL

e relationship)?
life with your most important people in life

- be happy with the important people of your life.

30. What are you most afraid of?
I never find Mr. Right. And all that I hold out to be wrong.

- My feeling for my body to lose completely.

31st What comes first: work or pleasure?

- still, but it is starting grad to change.

32nd What song did you last heard?
LP - We use the pain.

- Anything that ran on the radio.

33rd What movie have you seen?
N part of Finding Nemo.

- 30 overnight.

34th If you could have three wishes, what would they be? The
the 30th eventually becomes true, or it is already the case.
I am happy and live forever and Sway my way and never separate.
The Sway lives forever and happy.

- life is my dog as long as I do.

- This is one day the people who helped me throughout my life even if they were bad at what they can to return the money invested in me.

- debt freedom

35th What is the strangest name you've ever heard?

- There would.

36th What did you dream last night?
No idea - have hardly slept.

- No idea - have slept like a dead man.

37th Who was the last person you were on the phone?
I believe - my boss? oO Ah ne halt. My Dad.

- My Monster ^ _ ^

38th On what website were you last?
Chas blog. * Grin *

- Dave's blog.

39th Who did you last talk online?

- Should have been Rayn. So Bruno.

40th How is the weather just now?
cooling - of which I I woke up.


41st Where will you spend your honeymoon?
honeymoon goes without non-wedding.

- home.

42nd What is the last book, what you read?
The strategy guide for Dragon Quest.

- Mieses Karma. - Total class.

43rd With whom do you want to spend the rest of your life?

Sway - Sway, Dave, Kimmi

44th How many people on your buddy list?
As I look to non-nu really!

- What is the buddy list? o_O

45th How is your name backwards?
Ajnat - nice name fürn RPG Chara. * Grin *

- all forgotten: RPGs you can play again.

46th What do you have a computer background? Still the
of Kratos.

- Show me you better.

47th What are you looking at the opposite sex first?
overall appearance.

- remained that way.

48th Who do you admire most?
Mia Rose.

- my treasure. Where can I take her only so much energy? *___*

49th How many CDs have you?
too many if I am asked.

- No, I think. o_O

50th What was the last CD you bought?
An empty. * Grin *

- This is definitely not correct.

51st How many children do you want to have again?

- two, an older boy and a younger girl. ^ _ ^

52nd How many of them adopted?
none of which can still adopt? * Giggle *

- I do not care. Two if I can afford it to me first, and second, the risk of pregnancy is clearly too high for me.

53rd How many boys / girls Would you have?
sky - slowly but is well again right?

- 1 / 1

54th Have you ever been in love?
Yes. It's me and grad

- Again, japp.

55th When did you last cry?

- This morning or yesterday evening. Before a loud yawn, however. The spinning eyes whenever I'm tired of evil. -.-

56th What is the first to which you remember in your life?
And should I really get my childhood memories in a chronological order? Net really is not it?

- No idea does not interest me.

57. With whom were you last in love?
my ex, perhaps? oO - Sry. Saublöde question.

- Safe still 58th in irgendnem Ex

Are you currently in love? Yes
damned. >. \u0026lt;Why questionnaire have always overlapping questions?

- Japp.

59th With whom are you in love?
my friend! Would now obvious is not it? ;)

- the other friend, but still the same answer.

60th Who is your s best / r Online-Freund/in?
Öhhhhm.Kp who I classed as such or net.

- Vivi.

61. Do you believe in God?

- Still not.

62nd Do you like blind dates?

- NO! o___O horrors is this

63rd What do you eat for breakfast?

- The monster that makes me. xD

64th Do you believe in love at first sight?
faith? No.

- Not really. Where I do not care whether that exists or not.

65th Do you believe in miracles?
I think not. Nothing.

- Njo ... no idea.

66th Do you believe that dreams can be true?
I believe still do not.

- I hope so.

67th How many pillows do you sleep?
one. Alternatively, two.

- one, the second is occupied. : /

68th What's the worst feeling you ever had? Not considered to be

- stroke. No more talking to was scary without end. : /

69th What is the best feeling you ever had?
to be noted.

- In retrospect: I feel safe in my body. ^ ^ '

70th Which boy name please you best?
Benjamin. David. Danny.

- Benjamin, Kyle.

71st Which girls names do you like best?

- No idea. Nice stop.

72nd Who was the first person in the you fell in love?
My first boyfriend - Simon.

- Can have changed badly.

73rd What is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?

- I Can not establish Hitlist. With so many natural beauties that's just not schaffbar.

74th What is the ugliest, what you've seen?
Um. Good question.

- I Can not establish Hitlist. With so much ugly in this world that's just not schaffbar.

75th Have you ever slept with a boy / girl?

- Can also have non-modified.

76th Would you want to have anal sex?

- No!!

77th If you were in a threesome with that?
we ever had - nothing is somehow clever. Is overestimated.

- Dito of the time.

78th Have you ever watched others having sex? If so, it has made you "hot"? Net
really. Why should they?

- Still not. Meaning behind it is not understood.

79th Would you rather have a boy or a girl?
Sometimes I ask myself the real.

- girls. We must not allow ourselves more.

80th What time is it now?
7:20 Finally - all are awake. :)

- 14:48 - Bah, used long. -.-

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Manuife Good Investment

for relaxation

somehow came still no packets, which is surprising when the last few days should be sent as much as it seems. o_O Well
. Let's hope tomorrow I get something to wrap. Would make the thoughtfully now that I still have vacation.
morning I have to scrap with Kessy to the vet. The little bastard has now broken down the entire bed and tomorrow will be pulled threads. Did they at least
bissi Action day.
Poor little mouse. Must be boring to be mistaken for half the day waiting for owner, then he gets home, then went for a walk bissi and surprise, it's nap time again. Then watched TV and then sleep again at night and songwriter.
This is of course a great wrong dog's life fürn half year old child. ^ ^ '

matter. Is not my dog. Does not concern me nothing.
And also having my dogs not easy, they go so similar.
eat, play, sleep. That's it. But first, I too often do not have time and secondly ... I also do not know what to do with them. Right now I trust myself in any case not that something to do with them. Although they are jolly again but both so thin I'll do me any additional movement concerns. And so far was with me so not much to start because of the blood pressure history.
It will be so again, definitely. ^ ^ 'If The dogs are back in order and I also.

For Kimmi I nu from Katha to canvas just got the tip they like, should I save the nerves that I would need to turn them back to train for two weeks. So in terms of: "We eat men."
Njo, otherwise there nothing intoxicating.
Dave got a new phone nu hired. So new to him. My old Iphone since I have a new nu. ^ _ ^
I find very great, I think he also. At least, something which threw a Christmas gift was preferred.
way - I call now the time to.

The game was Fishdom He has shown me and where I thought it is just a stupid olles puzzle, makes übelst fun. ^ ^ 'Ah, and today you can

us potatoes. ^ _ ^

Welch ne action. I enjoy the total Dave the cook in the house, why did I just say that I am around food Take care of as long as I leave? O_O


Depp. See you soon. ^ _ ^

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Littlest Pet Shop Vip Commercial

Hach, it relaxes slowly everything.

After weeks of back and forth around so gradually a state of calm.
I have to nem most of all gifts.
to 75% of the gifts for Dave.
to 100% the gift for Daddy.
50% on gifts for Mom.
to 0% the gifts to David.
to 0% gifts for Dave's parents.
to 10% of the gifts for my friends.

How can that be nu still n majority?

Well, the rest comes easily to your home. ^ _ ^
At least almost everything. And one thing I have to think up yet. : P

So I can enjoy my holidays in peace of mind.

The car seems to be working ... whatever. I would have sworn the fact I once again self-driven high. Well, since it works perfectly. Much to my amazement, astonishment and horror. Because if it funzt now for two weeks and then no more, I have a serious problem return. : /

My friend read the way my blog. o_O Krass right? the whole.

Ahja and I'm now the IPhone 4 =) Glad
total, even though I currently still very non-white why is not found. xD
But, now has found. Does it probably only to the very active is. ^ ^ '

Sun .. Meanwhile, I'll go with the times Doggies walk. Until then. =)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dawn Pokemon Barefoot

# 15 Harry Potter and the deathly hollows

on to the magical seventh round of our ever-popular and known sorcerer Harry Potter.
Dumbledore dead, the Death Eaters in power and only a band of loyal magician, you-know-who defy. With a rigorous flight, in the 7 Potter are both on the road, crashed through a wedding to put out the trio on a search for the Horcruxes. But of course a specific plan but none of them. Even Dumbledore Testament, including legacy leaves more questions open than answered.

Implementation is for those who have not read the books really recommended, unless one looks at the film a few times and has not previously read. Whatever the authors have thought, I hope they had a good reason Just leave out important scenes and play with some other dice. I really thought, if they do have 2 parts, then right.

Thank you, Ginny, for that evening (I hope it was not the last one ;-)