Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Maxine Cartoonson Men

voted what?

I'm now even bother to look what is right from the prediction of last year was and what is not.
However, in short. ^ ^''

personality and trend

As the waves at sea you can feel the ebb and flow of world events and the moods of those around you. And like a ship, trust on the waves of fate. That has always been pretty good actually meant with you. In the last three years became more frequent, however strenuous, energy-sapping phases. Unrest-Planet Uranus was in your sign, and the braking Saturn him exactly. Chaos, stress, blockade, and a complicated love life was the result.

2010 are the two trouble makers in the universe for you, only noticeable from a distance, and from July they let me down in peace. But the sun is absorbed. It gives you the "Everything is good" back-feeling and makes life easier. Hazards or pitfalls you should expect no more from now. Therefore, now would be a good opportunity to emerge from your daydreams and is fully in the here and now throw in - even if you banalities such as time limits, tax returns or holes-in-the-wall drilling does not seem half as exciting as what goes on in your imagination.

(Ha! a joke in itself. Troublemakers did not go well? ^ ^ ')

Gain strength and support

Talk is no longer so out that you do not have a knack for grabs or not so well organized, like other star signs. Though it will be difficult at first to put a plan into action or to make a decision, you will realize yet how good it does you to determine the course of your life instead of letting yourself go as before.

The more you get involved with the reality and take the lead, the more strength and support you win. Do not worry, your creativity, your sensitivity and antennas for the fine feelings you can not lose. So soft and delicate work, you may also like, in fact you are a strong, combative woman. But you should take good care of themselves. This includes physical activity is not negligible, such as swimming or running. Your body is a valuable source of power for your mental stability.

(Oh, go awaken, my body last year was not quite as convinced of his power as he should have been. o_O)

love and lust

your sign is Pisces, that is plural. You must understand as an indication that you have two sides to a yes and a no, the little girl and the confident woman, dedication and independence. Sometimes you are, therefore, even a mystery. you long after the one hand, a fulfilling partnership in which you merge with your lover really. On the other hand, your desire to lose and can not bend, just as strong - even if you feel it may be less clear.

How to commute frequently between the two extremes: too much non-binding versus monopolizing border area. That there is actually a love that satisfies both elements, freedom and commitment, you can imagine after the Saturn-Uranus-harassment from the last time no longer likely. But precisely such a relationship that can handle the artistic and wonderful balancing act between distance and proximity, the year of sun possible.

(Well, I found out now, that's good.''^ ^)

singles have a good chance

If Love planet Venus passes in January by the Capricorn sign, you may still be afraid, you would have to deny your needs, to be loved. But in February, when the love goddess Venus with luck planet Jupiter in your true zodiac sign, this fear will disappear. Singles have a good chance of meeting a man who loves them as they are, with all their desires, secrets and their hesitation.

(GEFUNDEN! ^ _ ^ ... well, that was true. 3)

In the partnership rule of harmony and understanding has been for a long time You do not feel restricted or left alone.
If you find out now what makes you really happy in bed instead of your likes of which make the respective partner-dependent, then you can experience thanks to your imagination and passion of a thoroughly satisfying and sensual sexuality, from some other can only dream of.

(As if I would have to figure out something in the bed ... o_O concentrated And I feel already, but only sometimes and it is keeping never last long. Harmony and understanding are also times flutes here and there gone but otherwise it would be boring. wonder ^ ^ ')

job opportunities

Sometimes you yourself, as you have done but then again, from point A to point B to get through and finish a project - so messy is your Functioning in part. With intuition, ideas and intellect, not to mention your dazzling charm, the same lack of structured nature but mostly off again.

You can also reach 2010 career a lot, but not immediately. Until July, Saturn is a little cross and make your work life difficult. But only at first glance. Because docks at the same time, also supporter Jupiter in your sign, turned what looks like a first or even prevent a backward step and suddenly new and better ways.

So you have confidence, destiny is very kind to you. Most clearly, you realize the latest from August, when Saturn has bye. Now Jupiter comes fully to the train, and so that you will enjoy wealth, success, more money and for the career ladder a real leap upward. When problems and conflicts, or something you do not fit, you should try this year to follow the straight path. That is: No manipulation, no "behind your back", but honestly and clearly express what is going on.

(also voted, almost everything.)

Who is right for me?

the twins should keep yourself as quiet reserve - if worst comes to worst times.

(I seem to have somehow misunderstood. On the other hand, we had thoroughly discussed the text before. XD)


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