Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hoyt Smoke Compound Bow

Awe .... The characteristics of

The new year has started yesterday and somehow ... songwriter now somehow stupid.

do not know why. I am constantly tired even though we now have twice have slept half the day. : /
Feeding the girls also works well. Our roommate is not so glorious.
probably annoys me just that I'm so unrested.
And nothing come. And never have the time to do what I like.
Or am not happy then.

Anyway, I'm currently not particularly enthusiastic.
To be honest I do think my level just peace.
Drum does have very good with our small family "now spent those two days.
There were also a lot of trouble and my friend is bad at times what affectionate Stress triggers genuine moments in it, but I'm still happy that I can cuddle him again afterwards.
\u0026lt;3 Also, I'd
for anything in the world to miss this moment to see how he plays and cuddles with Kimmi.
Sway and I have Flauscherholung times. ^ _ ^

There is so much lousy last year's ... do we really know what it looks like this?
Hm. I think .. I already. Picking peeped last year already. ^ ^ '

raises yearly horoscope for 2011

Jupiter's curiosity for life. The year 2011 shows its best side. Thanks to Venus should now take some of your wishes take shape. As of June Jupiter holds one or other eye-opening experience for you. Exciting!


you want to bring fresh air into the partnership and try to second something new. Their enthusiasm acts on your sweetheart very contagious. Especially in March, August and the period from mid-November turns out extremely varied and entertaining. Mars, it can now also crackle neat and arouses the lust of conquest singles. Lack of romantic cuddling hours in 2011 either. Venus provides a soulful April, July and December. There is truly something for everyone! In the second half then it is very important to a lot of talking with your partner. They could assess his feelings now that is slightly off. A conversation prevents annoying misunderstanding. If you have not found his soul mate? Flirt With Jupiter your chances rise enormously from the beginning of June.

professional talents seem to lie dormant in you, whom you had even been suspected nothing. From mid-March, you can develop these versatile under the Uranus gradually. Take the necessary time to experiment a little and try new things. That makes your career and let you pay for completely new, discover very promising possibilities. From June, you can make your many good ideas actually put into practice. Luck planet Jupiter will help to staff. It also makes it unbeatable in the important discussions and lets you easily absorb new knowledge. As for your finances, it would be useful to create a small cash cushion. To be prepared for all eventualities and never at a loss, no matter what.


Uranus leave your mark in March. Now you can come inside to rest. Your nervousness, which you have suffered the last year every now and then fades. A blessing! Strenuous standing work on? Mars does not recommend this in March, June or from mid-September to 10 November do. Since you have an extra portion of energy available and even your immune system is outstanding. Generally this year: Keep as much as possible out on. In the wild, you can ground yourself, recharge your batteries and let the stresses of everyday life behind you.

but everything sounds not bad. Except for the monetary award. o_O

Let's see what others say or.

waiting to fish a perfect year.

This includes, of course, ups and downs, but rest assured: the sunny side of life are clearly in the majority.

Venus ensures that is why so many long-cherished wish goes.

And so in 2011 you do not get bored, does Jupiter in the second half of a lot of fresh air into your life. You are always discovering surprising new. So be excited!


The sudden urge to discover the fish also has a very positive effect on your partnership. Their enthusiasm is contagious, and so you get a good deal of second life to your life.

it is especially entertaining in the months of March, August and November, but also the rest of the year it crackles violence between you and your sweetheart. Responsible for this is the impulsive Mars, which also makes open-minded singles and adventurous.

Unbound fish from June to do their absolute peak. Thanks to Jupiter, your charisma irresistible and the successful flirting is no obstacle. To offset the softer scatters Venus also the odd cuddly moment with one.

be in April, and July and December at very romantic months, you can enjoy to the fullest. But despite all the harmony should You try to talk to your partner, especially in the second half. That misunderstandings are eliminated before they lead to armed .

finance and professional

not only others, including yourself, surprise in 2011 and over again. Discover talents that you have not even guessed at until now.

Uranus in March gives you the necessary nudge to take a little courage to tackle new things. Dare to be quiet! Professional can you make such a huge leap forward.

the latest in the summer, with Jupiter using your creativity run wild. Their innovative ideas have been well received not only with your boss. Have you ever had trouble scoring points in discussions and conversations, this is now a thing of the past. Eloquent and confident to meet these challenges with the left and learn along the way have added a lot to know! Take advantage of the year in order to create a small financial cushion. So you are well prepared, no matter what belongs to you .


latest in March it is relief. Uranus influence decreases and you finally come to rest again. The nervousness that you had until then always in control, is wiped out how! Now you can even dare to strenuous activities without having to lose the nerves!

Also, particularly in March, June and in autumn you lots of extra power! Well physically, there is no reason to complain. Your immune system is a reliable partner. When I as often as possible move in the fresh air, it stays that way. Generally suitable for long walks in the countryside well for the everyday hustle and once to turn back, then strengthened with new energy durchzustarten .

Ui, the same .. o_O Well ... My dogs would do well. ^ ^ '

Let's see what the Chinese say things. should use


In rabbit-year pig-born are all feel sauwohl:! Surrounded by her loved ones, they experience many happy Hours, and if offspring is planned, then the now-nothing stand in your way. In the job, the pig develop his talents and for his commitment will reap success and recognition. Career changes are possible - here it is, well to ponder what in the long run really happy. Financially, the situation is improving, waste should be avoided but the pig!

Hm, nothing else ...

Then we let it be good times.
Oh, and yes. A list of the things I got for Christmas is missing, but later. Current

gift requests, however, are:
bread machine
Certain headphones
No more heroes 2
Fringe Season 2
WMF Bowls / chocolate fountain

We'll see what I can satisfy me like this in the coming weeks and months. ^ _ ^

January is stupid anyway. to pay -.-

insurance car insurance
dog license tax

A replacement job I do not have yet because I'm unable to now where I can also take care of the dogs. : /
I want to be close enough for them, but not too many hours to have to work ... and thanks to the new "we get less salary" scheme and the 5 hours per week working less, I do not know how I'll soon be bankrupt. Looks bad in any case from ... : /

either for me ... or for the dogs ... :... See (or both times
I know not how I should have done it as a shift man to find a job in addition to the work the Sunday I have to keep clear nunmal but otherwise I probably croak soon -.. - Everything dumb bissi

And since you will hopefully see the new year. (
. Njo .. up soon. My mood will probably be better just non ...


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