the fabrics'
leading figure in the Byzantium of Arachne
Tuchweberin me in a personal
was the spider is the
Arachne blood
personally pain for me was the spider
the leading figure nothing more going on out there in the
radish there is a beast oh
the asters Tuchweberin
in net fabrics for
by their on
their in Byzantium meat
Tuchweberin substances
- are
a network somewhat
distinguished from Ovid
stopping also cry
can to carry in can be
keep the the
must be different
to continue more
something going to carry in anything outside
also radish can
the asters there when is oh
a network according to the are of
Ovid Ovid
are metamorphoses
which to carry in a
network you have to keep the
Dada can
something to keep,
pain vessels to
the valuable where livestock
it is something Sony is
outside spider
come to carry the the
network are network
the outside of the
the vessels which
is something going on but
valuable network more
nothing out there which
to the radish there is some meat
can can the asters
store after Dada
almost in
network bursts the yes spider
completely multiplicative
additive otherwise
where people think and
are there cry are confident
people differently on the Net
and this is Dada
Alexander Kluge *
think the more blood going
nothing further multiplicative pain
radish outside the
bursts there oh yes the
is out for the power switches Dada
© brunopolik
* filmmakers, writers, Drehbuchautor, Fernsehproduzent
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