Saturday, February 5, 2011

Interstitial Cystitis Male

I need a rolling eyes, Sheena!

I feel right now is not good.
me many things go through your head.
From this I imagine that another new build deeper friendship to anyone ...
I need that is whom. Taken away from anyone.

missing if I disclose my right'm considering all my previous "best friends" enormous.

And there were quite a lot in my life.
The moments I had with Monica, Janine, Jessica, Benny, Mark & Co. was able to experience wonderful and valuable ... I just do not understand why I ever again have such friendships do not feel like any kind.

Anyway ... The time is here again where I long for friends.
auszukotzen Not for me or something ... but to simply do special things with someone special.
Yeah, my friend should somehow be that someone ... I know.
he is also the most part. Only my friend - so cute he is mistaken - a little bit exhausting. I am no less, I know well.
But sometimes I can not stand close to easy. I want to play simply be left out to make nonsense and frolic. A momentary amusement to me takes all the worries and fears for the future and this eliminated the scary Erdrückungsgefühl. Only for a while.

was the moment I feel suffocating at times. And I do not even know why. Probably because I simply am not used to when everything is running perfectly. It kills me because it just does not feel right. I am more used to clear problems from the road. And we have problems. A lot even. Only no one can remove.
I can conjure no money or free time. And certainly not both at once.

Everything else is ... Well hard to say.
somehow I feel really overwhelmed. My Monster
I would have to spend hours explaining how I mean ...
It's not really that I did not like in the area ...
it is only so the relationship Dave almost technically an earlier version of myself, and it is difficult
their own devils in the people to see you love.

him for all these moments are only just cuddle .. Seconds.
For me there are huge periods of time to gather together throughout the day.
It's not even about the fear I've missed something to go.
It's just that I am constantly forced to feel something because he expected it and pouts when he does not reach.
Sometimes I go bad, by the head he is my "punishment" for my behavior earlier. Because I was the same. I could never be close enough for a long time.
I wanted sometimes on favorite in the men set to bite so no meter they need to be removed. And I often feel unbearable pain had come when a distance of 20 cm into the game.

But now I'm different, and Dave is so incredibly similar to me in this regard. Although he zurückhällt anyway. That's why I do not know just how to handle it because I know how you feel when trying liberate the other part. It's not a nice feeling ... neither the one nor the other.

Whatever. He will read the blog entry certainly. He has probably read all my blog entries ...
I know that I am incredibly important to him, and that is what
the reason why I also need friends.
I need someone to tell me that I can for days Dave conceal how bad it is my health at times. Just because I know he also has a few days can not sleep anyway and does permanently NEN head to the devil knows what. Tell him that now it would certainly deprive his sleep and in turn I will not.

And my "old friends" I can not say because then I get back thousands of conjectures and reactions which I will not.

Oh yes ... was now a rather pretty crappy journal.
I do not even know what to say.
I should probably now time for my hero Go and tell him that I find it nice that he's there. Prior to my wrong behavior of previously understood. Awe ... I have a headache.

Hm .. That reminds me ... expresses all the times your fingers crossed that Tilo the first episode of Gossip Girl like. Maybe I'm lucky and got a mail junkie found of the same looks like me. Apart from Fringe. ;)



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