Monday, December 14, 2009

Ceiling Mounted Shower Curtain

kato4ek @ 2009-12-15T10: 20:00

And we have a window glass pink from the cold air, high, high heaven ... and rainbows!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Fable 2 How Much Is The Rookridge Inn

Millionaire I could not have to go to the superintendent.

strongly advise all residents to read the glorious hero of the city of Moscow and the wound on conditions this very instructive story.
All, described below, is absolutely true and happened to my grandmother straight here today.
to start a little background: a few days ago our all-beloved mayor approved a resolution "On approval of the cost of the duty of entrance» . Under this provision, the monthly the amount of content to the duty officer entrance is 18.873 thousand per month for each staircase.
Friends, do not you think that this is the case here does not Hilo 18 pieces per seat in the stairwell?
But is not the case, the idea is surely good. By the way, for the naive Muscovites who still believe that paying konserzhku be out of pocket to report that in general, the funding was in the past, only the sum was in the area of 8 thousand many of you know that? That's right.
But then the amount increased more than two times. And it could not give results.
And now, indeed, history. My grandmother works in the entrance konserzhkoy Aunt Lida. She bdit the order, and washes floors, and do not let go of hooligans, and plant flowers, settles organizational issues (such as setting combination lock) and so on. No subsidy is not received, simply dumped all the tenants in the amount of quite feasible for them and they lived peacefully and happily. Loved and respected Aunt Lida.
And here it is in tears sounding the alarm, and convene collection of tenants. At this meeting, people presented a kind of Aunt Mary, who is now ... (fanfary!) a new duty on the porch.
This lovely woman without a shadow embarrassment makes all the paper, according to which all tenants have signed up in unison under the requirement to appoint Aunt Masha on duty. My grandmother saw There is a signatory. Then she remembers that Aunt Masha, she saw somewhere. And just the other day she came to him to collect signatures. Only question was the organization of HOA, instead of electing aunt Masha. But it's the little things that nature with such a broad scale, as Aunt Mary, do not confuse.
But the main thing that ruined my aunt Masha - this is a positive experience in election campaigns with a turnout of 110%. Part of the tenants were unable to gather signatures on the HOA (after the first sheet outlining the subject matter was simply replaced by) - They probably were not home. And then Aunt Mary ... (well, well, everyone already guessed!) Just signed for them herself. But the poor thing does not take into account that data on the owner of income to the housing department, from which she received lists of tenants, with some delay. And so it happened that Uncle Peter, who has been a month since he died, also made for the election of Aunt Masha two days ago. Exactly how and Aunt Lena, who has 15 years of living in the U.S. and does not appear in Moscow and rents an apartment to her uncle Basil. And so on. And yet ruined Aunt Masha lust for power and vainglory (or vigilance Aunt Lida). Because presenting lists of tenants and get approval from the housing department, she went to boast in front of Aunt Lida their new status. And he threatened her with death emergency and immediate dismissal. This led to the above-mentioned meeting of residents. In general, Tomorrow initiative group will go to the most fair in the world of the police and I hope this story will get a reasonable logical conclusion.
me in this situation haunt two questions:
1) To what extent should get audacity to forge a signature, and then to the blue eye to come to the meeting and look these people's eyes? I have a lot I can understand and explain, but here I have somehow crazy.
2) specifically taken Aunt Mary, apparently, was either too arrogant or too intelligent woman. But how many more of these aunts Mash (friends and happy employees ZHEK) currently sit quietly at home, being decorated on duty at the entrance, and quietly get his 18 thousand rubles? And we know and know and how full of fuckers resets on duty.
and 18 thousand - is one approach. And for desyatochek this for almost two hundred per month. A year two million.
No, gentlemen, is definitely time for a superintendent!
ZY Matured a new slogan: Do not pass by the arbitrariness - find out who she is, your true duty on the porch!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ice Fishing Pike Rigs

kato4ek @ 2009-09-02T17: 31:00

I recently saw a man who in all seriousness said: "At DISTRICT"

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Electric Cloakroom Heater

how time flies ...

So, again a little update.

in the company have the waves calmed down, I am currently in my first Vacation week (personally signed!).

private it continues unabated. Together, we helped a little daughter at her wedding preparations, including Stag. The wedding itself was fantastic romantic, the bride sensationally beautiful, the groom happy and proud. The celebration is also the hard core will remain safe in mind (there's nothing like a well-filled bottle of helium and some heart balloons to make the kids happy). In the course of the evening I had the pleasure of getting to know a large part of the family. And it is a wonderful, diverse collection of personalities, fascinating and multifaceted.
I'm looking forward to the coming years

for the moment that should be enough, just this: we all have a great time and wish the newlyweds a nice honeymoon! * G *

Friday, July 3, 2009

Old Wrestling Shoes For Sale

I'll betray myself

... I'm still a few weeks ago rumposaunt large "who needs Facebook?"
now I am on the third day here and am very surprised how entertaining and informative can be that platform. You come upon it so that you know so many people still serving, know one, which in turn know someone who knows you. Fascinating.

What else, what strikes me in the stomach: a few days ago was terminated a dear colleague of mine at surprisingly. The reason given "disturbance of internal peace," was given. What a nonsense. She had just 2 colleague a problem, but that the two are the ones who made it to the right place to purr. I'm still shocked and disappointed by the company, that there must be something. It has the head for days before their work and use of praise.
now been shown, what she has done everything that the plot the first problem is already clear. There is no one knows with the bills, no one can read the lists of the customers properly and the many thousands of small handles and settlements that could have of it in passing, now also fall away.

Enough of that, or I have to reg me too much and my attorney has a pure pepper.

but I'm looking forward to the summer where I will take with my family more. As of this weekend, as we gather in Linz and bawl to the doctors! Frequency has announced himself (meaning, I've already bought tickets), summer festival is also due and at least a "stone-of-peace" night.

But what is missing is patience. And this for my wife to cure her knee can last. What am I to complain, I knew that they can not be tamed

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Harold And Kumar 2 Soundtrack Bottomless Party

leisure stress and other worries

;-) Well, that is what you get for not writing regularly. Then one evening, you sit at the computer (when you finally have some time and has fun) and begins to wonder what to write for. There remains a simply nothing else to write about than to a shotgun approach. For example, over .... Nova Rock!
Two flutes, for I have to report good and bad.

What I liked was ever alone the atmosphere that prevailed on the ground. The masses of young people who pitched their tents full of confidence that (better than last Year) placement of the stage, their sound systems should be mentioned here even laudable. The scheduled dates on the flyers were not figments of the imagination, all the band's been on time. In particular, that are active Guano Apes again, I was a folk festival. Together with the German an Englishman, I've enjoyed Limp Biscuit, praised the dead pants with daughter Uschi and otherwise spent a pleasant weekend.

What I do not liked were the long, long trips they alone had been put back to the entrance. Then the first time over half the camp before you even close to a stage is. And then came. . . Rain. But not the one we know so generally, no, this was on time on Friday to Metallica's website. And he came from everywhere exterminated, together with the grounds and fell like a torrential down on us. Fortunately for us we were standing in a tent, otherwise we would have been like any other waschelnass. The ground was all day from all the NovaRock been tamped down, the rain had no chance to flow. The whole complex was within minutes a single arena mud, extremely dangerous for humans and knees. At least for my wife. At home were her left nach, welches ihr einen Bändereinriß verpasste. Somit war für sie das Festival gelaufen.

So, dass wars für´s erste, mehr beim nächsten Mal *ggg*

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Operation Condor Motorcycle

O, laugh, laughers!

if maybe someone else does not know in Moscow has already begun and rapidly gaining momentum remarkable action called Chekhov Theatre Festival. At this time there is a lot of French, but most importantly - a lot of absolutely no exaggeration wonderful circuses in the highest sense of the word. Truly it certainly has not so much a circus, namely, the theater - an inspired, fascinating, magical, and with all this c mass of very high-tech tricks.

In a word, no matter how call it, but it is important - that's definitely worth descend.

I certainly can not not go to the "fog" adored me since the last festival of the circus "Eluaz. They say that, like, "Fog" smallness weaker "Rain", which brought us into raptures. A general statement in the program, as I understand it, is very different: somewhere far more drama and even tragedy, and not just the fact eluazovskogo tender and at the same time of unrestrained celebration. But in any case, I think that to think and even for something so go, without a doubt worth it.

Well, the curtain

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

2 Weeks Old Baby With Flem

And it grows ...

... tja, so ist das, wenn man sich neu in eine Beziehung stürzt!
Da hat man nicht nur eine neue wundervolle Frau, da bekommt man ihre Familie gleich mit. Nicht nur ihre leiblichen Sprösslinge (die mich sofort adoptiert hatten, von wegen "Auto, Job und handwerklich brauchbar - passt!"), sondern auch ihre Ziehtöchter, die sich im Laufe der Zeit angesammelt haben. Ich bin dankbar, dass ich nicht alle auf einmal, sondern all got to know for themselves (that would be just too much).
But it is fascinating to experience these diverse personalities when they are in their element. I've never experienced such intense concerts (Note: I am ... I mean, I was passive concert lovers who feast on the mood of the masses, now I'm about to moshpit * hell yeah *).
I'm really excited about what the future will bring with it all yet. There are concerts, festivals and many events to attend (or haunted? Matter of opinion höhö) want to be and I'm sure there is always a nice family outing be!

wife, your family is unique and wonderful love u all!

And again Thank you, Ginny, that I was with!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Bmx Im Umkreis Von Steyr

future plans

this, I must first return to the past (and please no stupid now Marty McFly-jokes, I like the guy). Must
me just concentrate ..... am a man, as ever with the happerts However, na .. Memory, exactly * g *

So, life with my wife brought me to the fact that it is never boring. It's literally always something going on, we are like our own reality show. Constantly coming and go and write and give us a people, and it is ... how shall I say ... exhilarating, the feeling that the "family" my wife accepted me so. While I was sniffing admired, valued but not ignored or even ostracized. No, I was not hiding in an asylum, but the last few years were .... different.

other day I was on the FORD concert, which I could never imagine before, because I would never have gone alone. And if I had kids and family, my wife and some of her daughters and Uschi's there, and we had fun! Not only that Uschi was grateful that I'm talking (because FU was new to them), have also taken care of the kids for a surprise. Was it the youngest request, also come to time in the front row, and was quite happy when he was only minutes later with his mother in the first! Row stand and sing along with the Farin songs he day in, day out at home listening! A sensational picture, the emotions we unfortunately can not capture and thus show.

After the concert, I am still talking with the daughters and one of them I can now in the castle! I Have me beforehand immoderate annoyed, because we (wife and I) have done everything right and still get time and have no cards, and then this little highlight of the evening! And I thank my wife, who waived for me because we sum then still have enough cards. I love you!
Another daughter has now also gained advantages, it has been quite happy with the new Eminem (after I had of course previously deposited discretely at the request of my wife * g *) Thanks again!

And even though I think there is no increase any more, I remember it from day to day that I love my wife more and more than before!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Have Cement But What To Put A Wood Swing Set

Back again!

Life is cool!

the moment can run almost no better:

I have a wonderful wife, their children have virtually adopted me and the universe is too good to me.
Dem (and my wife's family - lg, Uschi) I owe it to meet, among other things on my first Meet & Greet equal such a great band like Papa Roach!
The guys are fantastic, have a power on stage, where other breaks even watching the sweat!
Affengeil (forgive Peter), especially when you consider that I have been the band as "... an also-ran ..." classified had (what sacrilege!). Meanwhile, her albums are in my main folder, and they probably remain for a long time, right next to Fox , Tenacious D and DtH
;-) I feel just like a scout camp (apart, that I never was in a)! What happens every day, I learn without end to make it fun and it's always something going on in position while the question. And I do not miss TV. I had this realization recently when I asked a colleague , or if I've already seen that. As such, I am always happy with him on various reality shows omitted, but since I was only aware that I did not lack. I've had enough reality that I need not show, but already own could be a (do not worry, I'll spare * ggg *) I thank you, my darling!
And there is more cheerful, for there are still a few things on my order form * ggg * eg DtH see live again, Guano Apes tribute reunited (lord of the boards, just a brilliant number), etc
So what to? ...* Pondering *...
Oh yes, my Ex .. just listen ...
My Would-do-list takes the upper hand, it is always longer. As at a Hydra, I've done one, already are 2 new there. But why I'm not really me NEN head, so she is also "would-do" and not "to-do" * ggg *

Finally, a goodie from the concert of Papa Roach

Family, Universe, woman: I love you! * Kiss *

Saturday, March 28, 2009

How To Use Custom Theme On Imate

Shashi! Happy Birthday!

Let all be!
a gift - a mother and became a favorite landscape in the performance of magical artist. The best for my taste, a painter of solar flares and water.
And here are two more songs. Maybe it's all a bit trite and even silly, but to me they are still very much.
and the second - good old exhilarating pop music:)

Jack Frost Building My Reflection

Maybe I was a kid watching too much TV? :)

Very funny test, direct mail time machine. It is strange - how much rubbish is stored in my head! :)
you remember the ad 90?

And here's your prize:

you - a real eater Advertising 90! Here's a Snickers bar Tselikov. (Do not ask why Snickers).

Take the test

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Contact Lenses In The Wrong Way

I hate ...

... hate, hate to be sick. For me there is no worse condition after a toothache! * Grumble *

... and yes, I've made myself honest, but somehow time flies nevertheless able to write faster than me.

Times quickly in a nutshell: It was a horny carnival, it was in the company really stressful and my new family in poor health to himself.
And now I've got it: FLU! ! !
38 ° fever, dry cough, dizziness, and sweating (for once not triggered by my friend ;-)

But now on the mend again face new troubles in the form of my Ex
But it's also really asking too much if one's former best friend kindly birthday congratulations that you get a response.

What else so everything experiences, if you are not a couple more I lift me for another time.
But quite interesting, the moral principles here in the country ....

other hand, I'm really curious if they will run me once on the road. Whether they probably manage to keep their nose up?
Or will they miss themselves blinders? I'd trust's her, but she does exactly once and never again that they can in fact afford never found.

Let's see what brought me the universe ...

pS the hell, why do we need facebook?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Is It The Subwoofer Fuse If The Light Is On?


appeal to those who have not yet teleyaschik thrown in the trash!
I have to tell you that today, tomorrow and tomorrow at 23:50 on "Culture" will be showing films of Bergman
24 - The Seventh Seal
25 - Persona
26 - Autumn Sonata
first and last - one of my favorite movies ("Persona" was not looking)
very, very much advise.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Orkester Sound Bank 4.0

fans of the animated film "Valley" is dedicated to

Here it is, our small-town Moscow savior of mankind from Khamovniki ...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dishwasher Kenmore 1378

kato4ek @ 2009-01-25T17: 20:00

Happy Holidays everyone who has to do with it!

Tatiana, students mgushnikov. And all who joined to them.

And still today, Birthday of Vladimir Vysotsky.

Very, very well-known and loved by many songs.

and more

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Can I Travel Abroad If I Have A Herpes


Since I in his cozy zhzheshechke not congratulated anyone with NG, fills a gap:
Happy New Year!

Under the new year begins as a very tormenting questions Cultural differences: why do all the Santa Claus one, and we - with her aunt, kinship, which is very ambiguous (whether my daughter, or grandchild). And indeed everywhere whether Santa is the same? In fact, Santa Claus came up, it turns out in the Soviet Union. You had something completely on Christmas and St. Nicholas unlike, and now, by many experiments and was born with a Santa Claus Snow Maiden. That is, we have one just because others do not. In both. Though of course these The characters were before, only now presents they gave to no one, and generally in the NG special is not involved. Grandfather was a terrible and evil and cold men in the woods in severe winter nights. And the Snow Maiden - the same folk element. Freezes in the woods girl, that is, in some sense a victim of Santa Claus. And only since 1935 when the USSR had again allowed a Christmas tree, this couple has become an integral member of the New Year celebrations for children (and joined them).
names Santa Claus and other Santa Clauses in various countries certainly sound different, but still usually something associated with Nicole's in a name guessing. Our own grandfather Mraz brings kids gifts throughout Yugoslavia (I mean in all the countries in which it was composed) and Belarus. Well, there is sometimes (but rarely) in Ukraine. From Europe, the most distinguished Greeks: they are not St. Nicholas and St. Basil. But look different versions of Santa in all countries is very similar, does not explicitly tell the difference. Only now my favorite Yolupukki slightly different - the same Santa, only sometimes with horns.
If someone is not satisfied that there "Moishe on singing, so please - links:
Very nice article about Santa Claus
gathering of so many St. from various countries (here is their website, email, etc.).. I especially recommend Pere Noel :)
Some excellent books Dushechkin about the history of Christmas trees in Russia
Dushechkin article about the birth of the image of Santa Claus in the USSR
Well, the old one, but very good collection of Christmas links from Labazov

And now that today the old New Year, I suggest - a journey in time - Christmas and New Year photos from the archives Life - the whole 20 th century! Decadal steps!

Santa Claus in a Christmas card in 1900.
and creators Site Santa vs. Santa Claus still argue that Santa is always in the red pajamas, and Santa Claus in major coat and boots. Friends, the 30-ies, Santa was not such a glamorous image - and that's what real evidence

1914 Belgium. Christmas truce
German and British soldiers together celebrate Christmas.

1938 U.S. Christmas dinner.
Note sumptuous meal does not differ

1944 Italy.
Christmas on the front

1948. U.S.
Beautifully not live bans! Picture called "Invitation to the Christmas Carnival»

1959. But this is Moscow.
Our own "Children's Peace in New Year's eve turmoil

1961. And again before New Year Moscow.
Here just somehow felt - New Year soon, comrades!

! 972 per year. Christmas Mexico

I decided to let 1972 be two, it was too beautiful picture: the U.S., the famous tree at Rockefeller Plaza

Which is not charismatic in Life in the 80's were the winter holidays. Have to settle for Clint Eastwood

And this is not the Life , and the first image, which falls out in Google Christmas at my request. In my opinion, too, is quite significant, is not it?

'll see that prepare us zero!
all - the old-new-year!